Hadith No. 91


Shaykh Abu Muhammad Al Fazl ibn Shazan ibn Khalil said:

“It was narrated to me by Al-Hasan ibn Ali ibn Fazzal, and ibn Abi Najran, on the authority of Hammad ibn Isa, on the authority of Abdullah ibn Maskan, on the authority of Aban ibn Taglab, on the authority of Sulaym ibn Qays Hilali, on the authority of Salman Farsi.” He (Salman) said: “The Holy Prophet (SAW) said: “Beware, O people! Shall I give you good news about Mahdi?” All replied: “Yes.”


He said: “You all note, Allah T’Ala will send such a Sultan to my Ummah who will be just and an Imam who will be on the Right Path, will fill the earth with good and justice in the same manner that it will have been full of tyranny and oppression, and he will be the ninth one from the children of my son Husayn. His name will be my name and his title will be my title. Beware, there is nothing good in life after him, and the end of his Saltanat (kingdom) will not be less than 40 days before the Day of Judgment.”.