Hadith No. 86


Ali ibn Ibrahim narrates from his father on the authority of Hammad ibn Isa, on the authority of Ibrahim ibn Umar Yamani, on the authority of Umar ibn Uzaynah, on the authority of Aban ibn Abi Ayyash, on the authority of Sulayn ibn Qays Hilali, on the authority of Amirul Mumineen (AS). He said: “Kufr is founded on four pillars; Fisq (bad deed), Gullu (Exaggeration), Shakk (doubt), and Shubhah (uncertainty). Fisq has four branches: disloyalty, blindfold, negligence and superiority complex. Whoever is disloyal, will give little value to truth, and will bear enmity towards jurist, and will continue repeating major sins.


Whoever follows blindly will forget dhikr and will follow unsurely, and will fight against his Creator. shay tan will engulf him, and will want forgiveness without repentance, humility and understanding. Whoever is negligent, will deceive his own self and will turn back, and will think his misguidance as guidance. Hopes will deceive him. When the matter will end, the time will be over and curtains will be lifted, and when what he could not even think of becomes evident, he will feel sorry and regret. Whoever is far from the command of Allah will have doubt, and whoever doubts - Allah is Higher than him and Allah will humiliate him with His strength and will belittle him with His Might, like he was mislead with his Generous God, and he was negligent of Allah’s command.


Gullu also has four branches. To contemplate a thought as very deep, and to dispute it it, to go astray, and choose enmity. Whoever thinks himself to be a deep thinker, he will not turn to truth, and will continue drowning into darkness and fitnah will not separate from him, but another fitnah will surround him. His religion will be in pieces and he will fall into a hole. Whoever disagrees with correct advice and will be famous in being stupid, in that he argues senselessly, and whose heart is twisted, good will be seen as bad by him, and bad deeds will be seen by him as good. Whoever bears enmity without reason, he will not see ways and his work will be bad and his getting out of it will be difficult when he will not follow the ways of the believers. Shakk (doubt) has four branches: unnecessary argument, desires, confusion and bowing down to ignorance. And this is what Allah means by ‘which of your Lord’s benefits will you then dispute’ (Surah Najm: 55)


  The man who is scared of what is in front will turn back, and whoever doubts in religion unnecessarily, he will fall into matter of unsurety.


The first Mumineen will get in front of him, and the soles of Shaytan will trample him. He will bow his head down to the destructive things of this world and Aakhirah, and he will be destroyed between these things. Whoever is saved from this, it will be due to the virtue of surety. Allah has not created anything lesser than surety. Shubhah (unsurety) has four branches: To be happy with decorations, cheating ones own self and accepting twisted things, and join truth with falsehood. This is because decoration separates from argument, and cheating one’s self leads to desires. One who is twisted bends it too much, and joins truth with falsehood is darkness, one after another.” This is Kufr and its pillars and branches.” Alayhissalam said: “Hypocrisy has four pillars:


Desire, humiliation, to think oneself is great, and greediness. Desire has four branches: separation from truth, oppression, and desires and disbelief Whoever is far from truth has many attackers and is empty. No one helps and whoever is oppressive - no one remains sage from his evil. His heart is not intact and he is not able to control himself with his desires, and one who does not tell of himself about his desires, will continue getting into bad things. Whoever disobeys will get intentionally misguided and has no argument. Humiliation has four branches: cheating, hope, terror and postponement. This happens because terror stops one from truth and postponing creates weakness in action until he dies. If hopes were not there, then Insan would know the account of what he is in. If the hisab of what he is doing became known to him, then he would die silently. Cheating leaves a person behind his action.


To think oneself as great has four branches: arrogance, pride, selfish and intolerance. Whoever is arrogant will remain behind the truth. Whoever is proud will get into bad things and the selfish one will sin repeatedly. Whoever is intolerant will oppress. How bad is that matter which is found in remaining behind, doing evil things, repeating something, and getting away from the Right Path. Greed has four branches: Happiness, arrogance, chasing aggressively and to think too much of one’s things.


 Happiness (inappropriate happiness) is bad in the eyes of Allah and arrogance is to think too much of one’s self. Chasing aggressively is an adversity for a person because it leads towards sin. To think one’s thing as best is absurd and a useless deed, and changes an ordinary thing into a special thing. This is hypocrisy and its pillars and its branches. Allah has His enormous strength over His servants, His remembrance is High and He is Exalted and He has created everything in good manner.


His blessings are spread, His mercy encompasses everything, His Light is luminous, and His blessing is general, His wisdom is evident, His book is safe, His authority is successful, His religion is pure, His strength is over powering, and His kalimah are firm. His balances are with justice. All His messages have been delivered. He has declared bad deeds as sins - sins as discord and discord as dirt. He has made good deeds as a means to nearness to Him, to get near to Him is repentance.


Repentance is purifying and whoever repents will get guidance. Whoever falls into discord, will go towards misguidance until he repents to Allah, accepts his sins. Only he gets destroyed by Allah who destroys himself. Allah, Allah, how vast is repentance, and His Mercy and glad tidings and enormous tolerance. The punishments that are with Him are very tough, and Hell and unbearable things. Whoever acquires His kindness, whoever enters into His disobedience will taste His Punishment, and soon all these will be ashamed.”