Hadith No. 85


Sulayman ibn Sama’ah narrates on the authority of Abdullah ibnil Qasim, on the authority of Abul Hasani Azdi, on the authority of Aban ibn Ayyash, on the authority of Sulaym ibn Qays Hilali, on the authority of ibn Abbas. He said: “It is saying of Allah: ‘And when the female infant is buried alive is asked’ (Surah Takwir: 8) i.e whoever is killed for the love of Ahlulbayt.” NOTE: Mawudah means those girls whom Arabs buried alive so that they would have not a son in law since having a son in law was against their respect. They will be questioned on the Day of Judgment as to why they buried the girls unnecessarily, Mawudah is also read as Muwaddah and according to the Tafsir of Ahlulbayt (AS) their love has been made compulsory in the Quran. Why did people leave it? They will be questioned about that.