Ahmed ibn Muhammad ibn Isa, Ali ibn Isma’eel ibn Isa and Muhammad ibni Husayn ibn Abi Khattab, have narrated from Uthman ibn Isa, on the authority of Umar ibn Uzaynah, on the authority from Abban ibn Abi Ayyash on the authority of Sulaym ibn Qays Hilali. He said: “I have heard Ali (AS) say during the month of Ramadhan, and this is that month in which he was martyred, when he was between his two sons Hasan and Husain (AS) and amid the children of Abdullah ibn Ja’afer ibn Abi Talib and his special Shias.
He said: “Leave people to what they want for themselves. You people choose silence when it is your enemy’s kingdom, because with what ever you are connected to will not remain secret from them and the enemy is oppressor and jealous. People are of three types. One type is illuminated with our light (Noor), and one type is eating through us and one is that who has been guided through us and obeyed our Amr. These are very few in this type. These are those who are Shias, noble, people of patience, are learned, jurist, pious and generous. For them there is happiness and also a tree in heaven, and wherever they go, the place will be very good.”