Sulaym ibn Qays narrates: Hasan ibn Ali ibn Abi Talib (AS) got on to the pulpit, when he was with Muawiyah. He thanked and praised Allah and then said: “O people, Muawiyah thinks that I consider him to be suitable for caliphate and did not consider myself to be suitable for it. Muawiyah is a liar. I have more rights over all people than all people themselves, in the Book of Allah and on the tongue of the Prophet of Allah. I swear by God that had people paid allegiance to me and obeyed me and helped me, then the skies would have given them its drops and the earth its barakah. O Muawiyah you would not be greedy of it, although the Holy Prophet (SAW) has said: “No Ummah gives its caliphate to any person, when there is a person present who is the most learned, but their affairs deteriorate until they reach that community that worshipped the calf.” Bani Israeel left Haroon and surrounded calf although they knew that Haroon was Musa’s caliph. Similarly the Ummah left Ali, although they had heard the Holy Prophet (SAW) say to Ali: “You have the same status to me that Haroon had to Musa, with the exception of Prophethood, because there is no prophet after me.”
The Holy Prophet (SAW) ran from his community when he was inviting it towards Allah until he reached the cave. Had he got helpers then he would not have run away from it. Had I got helpers then I would not have paid allegiance to you, O Muawiyah. Allah gave an opportunity to Haroon when people made him weak and were near to kill him. He also did not get helpers. Allah gave the Prophet also an opportunity when he ran from his community when he did not get helpers. Similarly I and my respected father had an opportunity from Allah, but the Ummah left us and paid allegiance to others, and we did not get helpers. These are traditions and examples that come one after another. O people, if you look for between East and West, you will not find anyone who is from the children of the Holy Prophet (SAW) except myself and my brother.”