Abu Marjah Baladi told me. He said: “Abu Muffazal Muhammad ibn Abdullah ibn Muttalib Shayabani Kufi informed me.” He (Abu Muffazal) says: “Hasan ibn Ali ibn Na’eem ibn Sahal ibn Aban ibn Muhammad Bagdadi informed me.” He (Hasan) said: “Ali ibnul Husayn ibn Bashir Kufi has narrated to me.” He (Ali) said: “I heard from Muhammad ibn Umar ibn Jo’afi on the authority of Abu Khalid Kabil, on the authority of Sulaym ibn Qays, on the authority of Abdullah ibn Abbas say: “A person came to the Holy Prophet (SAW) and said: “Will the love of Ali (AS) benefit me?” He replied: “Woe be to you, who keeps him a friend keeps me a friend, who loves me has loved Allah and whoever loves Allah, Allah will not punish him.” The person said: “Tell me more about the value of loving Ali (AS).” He replied: “I will ask Jibra’eel for you in this matter.” So Jibra’eel descended at that time, so the Holy Prophet (SAW) asked him and told him what that person said. Jibra’eel said: “I am asking Allah concerning this now.” and went high.
So Allah sent a message: ‘O Muhammad, give my greetings to my best of all, and tell him: ‘Your place to Me is where I want, and Ali has that status to you which you have to Me, and the status of those who love Ali is what Ali has to you.’ Karajeki says: “A part of the hadith is missing.” The person to question was Abu Dhar.