Sulaym says: “After Husayn ibn Ali (AS) was killed, ibn Abbas cried very much, and then said: “What did this Ummah see after the passing away of its Prophet? O Allah, I make you witness that I am a friend of Ali ibn Abi Talib and his children, and I am away from his and his children’s enemies, and I have bowed my head in front of their commands. I reached Ali (AS) in Zeeker (a place). He took out a book and said to me: “O ibn Abbas, this is that book that the Holy Prophet (SAW) made me write and I have written with my hands.” So I said: “O Amirul Mumineen, read it for me.” So he read it. It had everything present in it that happened from the time of the passing away of the Holy Prophet (SAW) until the martyrdom of Husain (AS), and how and who will kill him, and who will help him and who will be martyred with him.
Then he cried very loudly and made me cry too. From what he read to me there was also mentioned what will be done to him, and how Fatimah will be martyred, how his son Hasan will be martyred, and how the Ummah will deceive him. So when he read how Husayn will be killed and who will kill him, he cried very much. Then he wrapped up the book and what will happen until the Day of Judgment remained (unread). From what he read there were the matters of Abu Bakr, Umar and Uthman and for how many days each will remain as ruler, how the allegiance of Ali (AS) was paid, the incident of Jamal and the going of Ayeshah, Talhah and Zubayr, and Siffin and who will be killed in it, and Nehrwan’s incident and the matter of Hakamayn (governors), Muawiyahs rule, and the Shias who will be killed during it, and what people will do to Hasan, and the matter of Yazid ibn Muawiyah until it ended on the killing of Husayn.
So I heard all this. Then after that all that he had read happened - it was neither less nor more. So I looked at his writing which I recognized. It neither had changed nor was its color changed. when he closed the book, I said: “O Amirul Mumineen, only if you read the remaining part of the book for me!” Alayhissalam said: “No, but I will tell you. What is preventing me is what we will face from your family and children. They are very painful matters - that they will kill us and bear enmity towards us, their rule will be bad, and their strength will be very unfortunate, so I do not like that you hear it, and you become sad and depressed, but I will tell you.
The Holy Prophet (SAW) held my hand at the time he was passing away so one thousand keys of knowledge opened for me and from every key one thousand doors opened. Abu Bakr and Umar were looking at me, and he was indicating to me. When I came out, both of them asked me: “What did he tell you?” I told them both what I had been told. They both moved their hands, and copied what I said. Then they both went away repeating what I had said and both were shaking their hands.
O ibn Abbas, Hasan will come to you from Kufa with one thousand, less one men. O ibn Abbas, when Bani Umayyas’ rule ends, the first one from Bani Hashim whose rule it will be, will be from your children. They will do a lot of things.” Ibn Abbas said: “I would have very much liked to write this book instead of everything on which the rays of the sun have fallen.”