Sulaym says: “I heard Salman saying: “I said: O Messenger of Allah, before you, Allah did not send any prophet without a wasi (trustee), so O Messenger of Allah, who is your wasi?” He replied: “O Salman, at the moment I have not had anything from Allah in this connection.” He waited for a few days and said to me: “O Salman, information has come from Allah about what you asked me. O Salman, I declare you witness - Indeed, Ali ibn Abi Talib is my wasi, my brother, my inheritor, my vizier and is in my family, my caliph and after me, he is the guardian of all mumineen, who will finish my responsibilities, pay my dues, and fight on my tradition. O Salman, Allah glanced on earth and chose me from those people he glanced again and chose my brother Ali and commanded me, so I married him to the leader of the women of Paradise.
Then He looked for the third time and chose Fatimah and Awsiya - my sons Hasan and Husayn and the remaining from the children of Husayn. These are all with the Quran and Quran is with them. Neither will it separate from them nor will they separate from it like this (and he showed by joining two index fingers of his two hands), until they all reach me at the Fountain, one after another. They are Allah’s witnesses on the entire creation and are His authority on His earth. Whoever obeyed them all has obeyed Allah and whoever disobeyed them, disobeyed Allah, and they are all guides, and are guided.
And this verse was revealed concerning myself and was revealed for my brother Ali, and for my daughter Fatimah and my two sons and Awsiya, who will be one after another. My children and my brother’s children: ‘Allah only desires to keep away the uncleanness from you, O people of the House! And to purify you a (thorough) purifying.’ (Surah Ahzab: 33) Do you people, O Salman, know what is the meaning of RIJSA?” Salman said: “No.” He said: “Doubt - these people will never, never doubt about what has come from Allah. We are all pure in our birth and our creation until Adam, and are all purified and infallible, free from every evil.”
Then he put his hand on Husain (AS) and said: “O Salman, the Mahdi of my Ummah who will fill the earth with peace and justice in the same way that it is full of oppression and injustice, is from his children. He will be Imam, will be son of Imam, Aalim, son of Aalim, wasi the son of wasi, and his father who is close to him is also Imam, Wasi and Aalim.” He (Salman) said: “O Messenger of Allah, is Mahdi more virtuous of his father?” He replied: “His father is more meritorious than him.
The reward for this first one is equal to reward of them all because through him Allah has guided them all. The one who calls towards guidance will reap his reward and the reward to all those who followed him, and there will be no reduction in his reward. Whoever calls towards deviation, he will have his punishment and the punishment which is equal to the punishment of all who followed him. And there will be no reduction in the sin.
O Salman, Musa asked his Lord to appoint a vizier for him from his family. Allah appointed his brother Haroon as his vizier, and I asked my Lord that He appoints from my family a vizier for me, then He appointed my brother as my vizier through whom I can strengthen my back and I involve him in my actions. So He accepted my prayer like He accepted Musa’s prayer for Haroon. O Salman, if my Ummah did not exaggerate concerning my brother Ali, like Christians exaggerated for Isa ibn Maryam, then I would say such a matter concerning him that people would take the soil under Ali’s footstep and kiss it.”