Sulaym says: "I asked Abdullah ibn Abbas when Jabir ibn Abdullah Ansari was sitting next to him: ("Were you present at the time of the passing away of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W)?") He replied: (("Yes. When the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) became very ill, he called every man and woman, and that child who understood, of Bani Abdul Muttalib, and after gathering them he did not let anyone else enter, except Zubayr who was let in because of Safiyya, and Umar ibn Abi Salmah, and Usama ibn Zayd. Then he said: ["These three are from us ahlulbayt"] and said: ["Usama is my friend and is from us."] At that time the Holy prophet (S.A.W) had appointed Usama the leader of an army and gave him a standard (flag). Abu Bakr and Umar also were in that army, and they both said: {("He is not agreeing, and he is making this child, who is a slave, a leader over us.")} He (Usama) asked permission from the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) to enter, so that he could greet him and leave, and this happened when Bani Hashim were gathered, so he entered with them. Abu Bakr and Umar asked permission from Usama so that they could greet the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) so Usama gave them permission.


When Usama entered with us, and he was included among the middle ones of Bani Hashim and the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) loved him very much, the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) told his women: ["You women go away from here and leave me and my ahlulbayt."] Everyone, except Ayeshah and Hafsa, left. The Holy Prophet (S.A.W) looked at both of them and said: ["You both get up and leave me and my ahlulbayt."] Ayeshah got up, holding the hand of Hafsa, and walked out in anger saying: (["We have left you and them alone."]) Both entered the house of the sticks. The Holy Prophet (S.A.W) said to Ali (a.s): ["O my brother, make me sit down."] So Ali (a.s) made him sit down leaning him towards his (Ali's) chest. Then the Holy prophet (S.A.W) thanked and praised Allah and said: ["O Bani Abdul Muttalib, fear Allah and worship Him. You all hold to the rope of Allah, do not separate and do not dispute. No doubt, Islam has been founded on five things: Wilayat (Guardianship), Salat (prayer), Zakat (poor-rate), Fasting in Ramadhan, and Hajj (pilgrimage). In this, Wilayat is for Allah and His Prophet, and for those mumineen who pay Zakat in the state of Ruku' (bowing down): {'And whoever takes Allah and His Apostle and those who believe for a guardian, then surely the Party of Allah are they that shall be triumphant.'} (Surah Maidah: 56)"}


 Ibn Abbas said: ("Salman, Miqdad and Abu Dhar came and the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) gave them permission with the Bani Abdul Muttalib.") Salman said: {("O Messenger of Allah, is it for all mumineen generally or is it for some special mumineen?")} He replied: ["For some mumineen, specially. These are those people whom Allah has connected to Himself and His Prophet in many verses of Quran."]


He asked: {("O Messenger of Allah, who are those mumineen?")} He replied: ["The first one, the most meritorious and the best of all is this my brother Ali ibn Abu Talib."] and he kept his hand on Ali's (a.s) head. ("After him my this son."] and he kept his hand on Hasan's (a.s) head. ["Then, after him, my this son."] and he kept his hand on Husayn's (a.s) head, ("and nine Awsiya who will be from the children of Husayn, one after another. These are Allah's strong rope and are His 'Urwatul Wuthqa. These are all an authority of Allah on His creation, and they are all witness on His earth. Whoever obeys them has obeyed Allah and myself, and whoever disobeys them has disobeyed Allah and myself. These are all with the Book and the Book is with them. The Book will not separate from them and they will not separate from the Book until they both reach me at the Fountain. O Bani Abdul Muttalib, surely after me, you people will experience calamities from the oppressors of Quraysh, the ignorant people of Arab and the evil ones, and they will over power you, humiliate you and will surround you, will be jealous of you and will bear enmity towards you. So you all be patient until you meet me. Surely, O Bani Abdul Muttalib, whoever meets Allah in a manner that he believes in Tawheed (Oneness), and accepts my Prophethood, Allah will make him enter Paradise and will accept his weak deeds and forgive his sins.


O Bani Abdul Muttalib, I have seen twelve men of Quraysh on my pulpit. All of them are misguided, and are misguiding, and are calling my Ummah towards Hell and will make them go in reverse from the Path. Two people will be from two families of Quraysh. They both will have sins equal to the sins of the entire Ummah, and their punishment will be equal to the punishment of the entire Ummah. Ten will be from Bani Umayyah and from the ten, two will be from the children of Harb ibn Umayyah. The remaining of them will be from children of Abul Aas ibn Umayyah. From my ahlulbayt there will be twelve Imams of guidance. All of them will be those calling towards paradise. Ali, Hasan and Husayn and nine from the children of Husayn, one by one. The Imam and the father of them all is Ali. I am Imam of Ali, and Imam of them all. They will all be with the Book and the Book will be with them.  


It will not separate from them all, and they all will not separate from the Book until all of them reach me at the Fountain. O Bani Abdul Muttalib, obey Ali, follow his footsteps, befriend him, do not oppose him, keep away from his enemies, respect him, help him and remain behind him so that you achieve the right aim and get guidance and be fortunate. O Bani Abdul Muttalib, obey Ali. If I hold the chain of the door of Heaven, and if that door opens for me towards Allah, so I prostrate and Allah tells me: "Raise your head" and tells me to ask and He shall fulfill it, "and you intervene, and your intervention will be accepted" then I will not leave anyone of you behind."] All said: [{"O Messenger of Allah, we heard you and obeyed you."}] Then he turned towards Ali (a.s) and said: ["O my brother, soon Quraysh will over power you and all will unite and oppress, and will apply pressure on you, so if you get helpers then you fight against them, if you do not get helpers, then you restrain your hand and save your blood. Beware, martyrdom is behind you, May Allah curse your killer."]


Then he turned towards his daughter and said: ["You are the first one in my ahlulbayt who will meet me, and you are the leader of the women of Paradise. Soon, after me, you will be oppressed and forced and you will be bitten and your rib will be broken. May Allah curse your killer, and curse the one who ordered it and also curse those who became happy, and also curse those who help him and those who over power you, and curse the oppressor of your husband, and curse also those who oppress your children. 


And you, O Hasan, the Ummah will cheat you. If you find helpers then you fight against them, otherwise restrain your hand and save your blood because surely martyrdom is behind you. May Allah curse your killer and curse be on those who help him because the one who kills you is a ‘waladu zinah’ (an illegitimate child), his father is also a 'waladu zinah' and his father's father is also a 'waladu zinah'. We ahlulbayt are those for whom Allah has chosen Aakhirah and has disliked this world for us."]


Then the Messenger of Allah turned towards ibn Abbas and said: ["Be aware, that from Bani Umayyah when ten out of them will have ruled, the first one to come then will be destroyed by the hand of one of your children, so let your children fear Allah and look after my children and family, because this world has not remained for anyone before us and it will not remain for anyone after us. Our kingdom is the final one of all kingdoms and there will be one day of two days and each year will have two years, and from myself and my children, he will fill the earth with peace and justice in the same manner that it will be filled with oppression and injustice."]")