Sulaym says: "A man came to Ali ibn Abi Talib, and I was listening. He said: ("O Amirul Mumineen, tell me the best merit of yours.") He said: {"That which Allah has revealed in the Book concerning me."} He asked: ("What is it that Allah has revealed concerning you.") He replied: {"Allah's saying {'Is he then who has with him clear proof from his Lord and a witness from Him recites it'} (Surah Hud: 17) And I am the witness of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) and His saying {'whoever has knowledge of the Book’} (Surah Ra'd: 43)


 Allah has meant me."} He did not leave anything that Allah has mentioned about him.


The man said: ("Tell me the best merit that you acquired from the Holy Prophet (S.A.W)".) He (a.s) said: ("His declaring my appointment in Ghadire-Khum. So he established Allah Azz Wa Jall's Wilayat (guardianship) for me by the command of Allah Tabarak wa T'ala and his saying: ["You have the same status with ma that Haroon had with Musa"]. I travelled with the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) and this was before he ordered his women about Hijab. I was attending to the Holy Prophet (S.A.W). There was no one except myself as his assistance.


The Holy Prophet (S.A.W) had one quilt, there was not any other quilt except that one. He had Ayeshah with him also. The Holy Prophet (S.A.W) used to sleep in between Ayeshah and myself. We did not have any other quilt over us three. When the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) used to wake up for prayers, he used to lift with his hand the quilt between Ayeshah and myself, so that the quilt would touch the floor under us. The Holy Prophet (S.A.W) used to get up and pray. One night I had fever and it kept me awake. So the Holy Prophet (SAW) kept awake because I was awake. He spent that night between myself and the praying matt. He recited those prayers which were decided for him, and then used to come to me, ask me, and look at me. He did this continuously until morning. In the morning, he lead the morning prayers with his companions and said: “Allah, give recovery to Ali and give him good health, because he has kept me awake the whole night due to the pain that he had.” So the pain went away from me like as if I had been freed from a rope.”


Alayhissalam said: “After that the Holy Prophet (SAW) said: “O my brother, good news be to you.” He said this when his companions were listening. So I asked: “O Messenger of Allah, May Allah give you good news about good deed, and makes me your sacrifice.” He (SAW) said: “I have not asked Allah anything but He gave me that thing, and I have not asked anything for me but have asked for you the same. I have prayed to Allah that he declares brotherhood between you and myself, and He did. I asked Him that He makes you guardian of all mumineen after my passing away, and He did that.” Two men said, one to his Companion:


“What did he mean by asking these things? By God, even one Saa (3 Kilos) of dates in dried bunches was better than that. If he had asked from his Lord for an angel who would help in fighting against the enemy, and send him such treasure that he spends on his companions, because they are needy then that would have been better that what he asked for. And whenever Ali has asked anything, be it truth or false, Allah has accepted it.”.”