Hadith No. 6

Sulaym ibn Qays al Hilali has narrated: “I was told by Abu Dhar, Salman and Miqdad, and I heard from Ali (AS). One person prided himself over Ali (AS) so the Holy Prophet (SAW) said to Ali (AS): “O my brother, you pride yourself over all Arabs. You are more reputable as a cousin, as a gather, as a brother, as an individual, and also as a family, more reputable relating to wife, children, and uncle and (in the way of Allah) the one who has tolerated most hardship as far as yourself and wealth is concerned, most complete in patience and the first one to accept Islam, most knowledgeable in Allah’s tradition, on the day of war - fighting with the enemy, bravest at heart, most generous as far as hands are concerned, farthest from the world , and the one whose actions are the best in manners, the most honest with his tongue, and my and Allah’s best friend.


O Ali, after me you will remain alive for 30 years. You will worship Allah and bear with patience the oppression of Quraysh. Then, if you find helpers you will fight in the way of Allah, keeping the hidden meanings of Quran in front. You will fight in the same manner that you fought staying with me keeping the visible meaning (with whom you fought) with those people of my this community who broke the allegiance after paying it to you, and left the right path and left the belief. Then you will be martyred and your beard will be colored with your blood and your killer will be similar to the one who cut the she-camel’s legs. For this he will be God’s enemy and he will not be near to me or near to God. He will be like the killer of Yahya ibn Zakariya and like Pharaoh who had nails.”


 Aban narrates that he, narrating from Abu Dhar, told the above to Hasan Basari. He (Hasan Basari) said: “Sulaym told truth and Abu Dhar also told truth, that Ali ibn Abu Talib was foremost in belief, knowledge, wisom, jurisprudence, opinion, relation, virtue, reputation, meeting people (sociable), in war and in bravery, generosity, helping people, knowledge of decision, relation to the Holy Prophet (SAW) and knowledge of final talk, and suffering difficulties in Islam. Surely, in every matter his work was highest. May Allah have mercy on Ali and send his blessings on him.” Then he cried so much that his beard became wet with tears.


Aban narrated: I asked Hasan Basari: “Oh Abu Saeed, when you speak about anybody else except the Holy Prophet, do you say Sallallahu Alayhi?” He replied: “When you talk about Muslims, pray for mercy for them, and recite   Salwat on Muhammad and Ale-Muhammad, and Ali is the best among the Ale-Muhammad.”


So I asked. “O Abu Saeed, is he better than Hamza, Ja’afer, Fatimah, Hasan and Husayn?” He replied: “Yes, By God, he is best of all and who would doubt in him being best?” I asked: “Why?” He replied: “He has never uttered shirk or kufr or worshipped idols, or drunk. Ali is the best as he was the first to accept Islam, and knew Allah’s Book and the tradition of the Holy Prophet (SAW). The Messenger of Allah told Lady Fatimah: “I married you to the one who is the best among my Ummah.”, and if there was anyone better than him, the he (SAW) would have made an exception, and the Holy Prophet (SAW) declared Ali his brother when he declared brotherhood among people. So the Holy Prophet (SAW) himself is the best in the entire Ummah and as a brother also he is the best. On the day of Gadhir Khum he (Ali) was appointed and what Wilayat he had, he made the same Wilayat of Ali compulsory on people. He said: “Whose ever Mawla I am, Ali also is his Mawla“, and he told him (Ali): “You are to me what Haroon was to Musa”, and he did not relate like this to anyone else in his Ahlulbayt or in the Ummah. Ali has so many virtues in which he was foremost, and his merits are such that nobody else had.”


Aban says: I asked him: “Who is the best in this Ummah after Ali?” He replied: “His wife and his children.” So I asked: “After them who?” He replied: “Then Ja’afer and Hamza. From people the best are companions of the Cloak for whom the verse of Purity (Surah Ahzab: 33) was revealed in which the Holy Prophet (SAW) entered himself and let Ali, Fatimah, Hasan and Husayn enter. Then he said: “These are my trusted ones and my family. Allah has kept all evil away from them and has purified them in a manner that they deserve to be purified.” At that time Ummi Salmah requested to be let in along with the Holy Prophet and them under the Cloak. The Holy Prophet (SAW) told her: “O Ummi Salmah, you are on the right Path but this verse is revealed for me and them specially.” I said: “Allah! O Abu Sa’eed, what you say about Ali, and what I heard you saying about him?”

He said: “Oh brother, I am saving my blood from this forceful tyrants. May Allah curse them. O brother, if it was not that, then the stick would lift me (would be hanged) but I am saying that you heard, so that when this matter reaches them they will stop and what I say in enmity towards Ali, is an Ali apart from Ali ibn Abi Talib, so that they think I am enemy of Ali. Allah says: Repel evil by what is best; we know best what they describe (Surah Muminun: 96) which means Taqayah.