Hadith No. 55


Sulaym ibn Qays says: “I met Sa’ad ibn Abi Waqas and told him that I have heard Ali (AS) saying: “I have heard the Holy Prophet (SAW) saying: “Be aware of the trouble of Ukhaynis (those who remain behind) and be aware of the antagonism of Sa’ad because he will call towards leaving the truth and the people of truth.”.” So Sa’ad said: “God, I seek refuge in Thee from myself disliking Ali or Ali disliking myself, and I fight against Ali or he fights against me, and I bear enmity towards Ali or he bears enmity towards myself. Surely, Ali has some such good things the types of which are not in anybody. Indeed, he is Surah Tawbah when the Holy Prophet (SAW) said:


“No one from me can propagate except that person who is from me.” And Sallallahu Alayhi wa Alihi had said to him on the Day of Tabuk: “You have the same status with me that Haroon had with Musa with the exception of Prophethood, because there will not be a prophet after me.” And Sallallahu Alayhi wa Alihi ordered that all the doors of the mosque, except Ali’s door, are closed. So Umar tried that he be permitted to have a tiny hole equivalent to an eyeball towards the mosque but the Holy Prophet (SAW) refused it. And at that time Hamzah, Abbas and Ja’afer said: “Have you closed our doors and left Ali’s door?” So Sallallahu Alayhi wa Alihi said: “I have neither closed other doors nor opened his but Allah has closed those doors and has opened his.”


And the Holy Prophet (SAW) established brotherhood between every two men from his companions, so Alayhissalam asked him: “You have established brotherhood between every two men from your companions, but left me.” The Holy Prophet (SAW) replied: ["You are my brother, and I am your brother in this world and Aakhirah."]


 And on the Day of Khyber, when Abu Bakr and Umar had been defeated, the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) became angry and said: ["What is the state of communities? They are attacking idol worshippers and are then running away. No doubt, tomorrow I will give the standard to such a man who will be keeping Allah and His Messenger friends, and Allah and His Messenger will be keeping him a friend. He will not be afraid and not run away and he will not return until Allah gives his hands victory over Khyber."] So when it was morning we all gathered near the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) and showed our faces to the Messenger of Allah. He asked: ["Where is my brother? Call Ali for me."]


People called him. He had a problem with his eyes and due to that he was brought with people holding him. He had a shirt and had dust of flour on him, because he was milling flour for his children. The Holy Prophet (S.A.W) ordered him, so he kept his head in his (the Holy Prophet's) lap, and applied saliva in his two eyes. Then he prepared the standard for him and prayed for him, so he (Ali) did not return until Allah gave him victory and brought Safiyyah bint Hayy ibn Akhta.


So the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) freed her, and then married her and declared her freedom as per her dowry. What is more than that is that, O Bani Hilal's brother, on the Day of Ghadir-eKhum, the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) held his hand and I was looking at him. He raised both his (Ali's) hands high and said: ["Don't I have more authority over yourselves than you yourselves?"] Every body said: "Yes, surely." So he (S.A.W) said: ["Whose-ever Mawla I am, Ali is also his Mawla.


O Allah, you be a friend to him who befriends him, and be an enemy to whoever bears enmity towards him. And those present, convey it to those who are not present."]") Sulaym says: "Sa'ad turned to me and said: ("Okay, I did have a doubt, but I am not going to kill myself. If he has any virtues, and I was not present, I do not think I am mistaken, or I have done anything wrong, although he is on Truth.")"