Hadith No. 53


Sulaym says: “I heard Ali (AS) saying on the day of Jamal and the day of Siffin:


“Surely, I glanced and I did not find anything except either I became an infidel, and deny what Allah has revealed, or I fight in the way of Allah and do Amr Bil Ma’ruf and Nahiy Anil Munkar. So I chose to fight in the way of Allah, and do Amr Bil Ma’aruf and Nahiy Anil Mukar, instead of becoming an infidel and deny the Book of Allah and burn in the fire of Hell with my hands tied, when I got helpers to do it.


No doubt, I remained continuously oppressed since the Holy Prophet (SAW) passed away. Had I got helpers before today to revive the Book of Allah and his tradition like I have got today, I would have fought at that time also and there would be no possibility of my sitting down.”