Sulaym ibn Qays al Hilali says: "I heard Salman say: ("I heard Ali (a.s) saying: {"At that time that man said what he wanted to say and the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) became angry and he removed that on which it was to be written. Why do not we ask the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) that if he had written what he wanted to write on the katf, then no one would have deviated and there would not be disagreement between any two people."} So I kept quiet until those that were in the house got up and went. Only Ali, Fatimah, Hasan and Husayn (a.s) remained. I wanted that I and my two companions, Abu Dhar and Miqdad also leave, so Ali (a.s) said to us: {"Sit down."}
He said he wanted to ask the Holy Prophet (S.A.W), and we were listening, so the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) himself started and said:
["My brother, did you not hear what the enemy of Allah said? Archangel Jibra'eel first came to me and informed me that this man is Samiry of this Ummah and his companion is the calf of this Ummah. Allah has decreed that after me there will be disunity and dispute in this Ummah. So He commanded me that I write this book that I wanted to write on the skin for you and I make these three people witness to it, so you bring 'sahifa' for me."] So Ali (a.s) brought the 'sahifa' (book).
So he wrote the names of each guiding Imam one after another after him, and Ali (a.s) was writing it with his hands. He (S.A.W) said: ["I am making you people witness that truly my brother, my vizier, my inheritor and my caliph in my Ummah, after me, is All ibn Abi Talib, then Hasan and Husayn then after them all, nine from the children of Husayn."] Then I do not remember except Ali (a.s) and Muhammad (S.A.W).
I could not understand properly the names of the guiding Imams, except that I heard the quality, justice and action of Mahdi and that with him, Allah will fill the earth with justice in the same manner that it is full of persecution. Then the Prophet (S.A.W) said: ["I wanted to write it and take to Masjid and then call people and read it to them all and make them all witness to it, but Allah did not will it and decreed what He liked."]". }
Then Sulaym says: "I met Abu Dhar and Miqdad during the period of Uthman. Both of them also told me. Then I met Ali (a.s) in Kufa, and Hasan and Husayn (a.s). They both also informed me of it confidentially. All of them neither added nor subtracted, as if they were talking with the same one tongue.