Aban ibn Abi Ayyash narrates from Sulaym ibn Qays. Sulaymsaid: "I was in the house of Abdullah ibn Abbas and there was also a group of Shias of Ali ibn Abi Talib (a.s) with us. He told us what he told us including. ("O my brothers, the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) passed away the day he passed away. He was not even buried when people broke the Oath and became apostates. All got united in opposition and Ali (a.s) was occupied with the task of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) until he completed giving him the ritual bath, shroud, and hunut, and buried him.
Then he turned towards compiling the Quran and, in accordance with the Will of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W), ignored them. He did not have any desire to rule because the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) had already told him about the community. When people got involved in discord, a discord that happened due to these two particular men, nobody was left except Ali and Bani Hashim, Abu Dhar. Salman, Miqdad and a very few other people who were with them. Umar said to Abu Bakr: ("O man, everybody has paid allegiance to you except this man, and his ahlulbayt and this few people. So send somebody to him.")
So he sent for Umar's paternal cousin, whose name was Qunfuz and said: ("O Qunfuz go to Ali and tell him that the caliph of the Messenger of Allah is calling you.") He went and conveyed the message. Ali replied: ["How soon have you people attributed a lie to the Messenger of Allah. You broke the Oath and became apostates. By Allah, the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) has not appointed anybody, except myself, as the caliph.
O Qunfuz, return because you are only a messenger. Tell him Ali has told you 'By God, The Messenger of Allah has not appointed you caliph and surely you know who the caliph of the Holy Prophet is'."] Qufuz returned and conveyed the message. Abu Bakr said: “Ali has said truth. The Messenger of Allah did not appoint me as caliph.” Umar became angry and stood up. Abu Bakr said: “Sit down.” Then said to Qunfuz; “Go and tell him Amirul Mumineen Abu Bakr is calling you.”
Qufuz went and reached Ali (AS) and conveyed the message, so Alyahissalam said: “By God, he has told a lie. Go to him and say ‘By God, you have given yourself such a name that is not for you. You know that Amirul Mumineen is someone else.’” Qunfuz returned and told both of them. Umar got up angrily and said: “By God, I know his lack of intelligence and the weakness of his opinion. This caliphate cannot be right for us until we do not kill him. You leave me, I will bring his head.” Abu Bakr said: “Sit down” He refused, so Abu Bakr held him under oath, so he sat down and said: “O Qufuz, go and tell him Abu Bakr is calling.”
Qunfuz came and said: “O Ali, Abu Bakr is calling you.” Ali (AS) said: “I do not need him and I am not from those who leave the will of their brother and friend. You go to Abu Bakr and the despotism that you are united on.” Qunfuz returned and informed Abu Bakr. Umar got up, annoyed, and called Khalid ibn Walid and Qunfuz and ordered both of them to gather sticks, fire, and start walking.
Then he turned until he reached the door of Ali (AS). Fatimah (AS) was sitting behind the door and she had a strip tied to her head, and her body had become very weak due to the demise of the Holy Prophet (SAW). Umar came until he knocked on the door and called “O ibn Abi Talib, open the door.” Fatimah (AS) said: “O Umar, what do we have to do with you? Why do not you leave us as we are?” He replied: “Open the door otherwise we will burn it for you.”
She said: “O Umar, do not you fear Allah Azz Wa Jall? You are entering my house and are surrounding my building.” He refused to go. Then he sent for fire, and set the door alight and then Umar pushed it. Then Fatimah (AS) came in front of him and screamed; “O father, O Messenger of Allah!” So he (Umar) raised his sword which was in the cover and hurt her in her side. She screamed, and he lifted whip and hit her hand. She screamed; “O father!” Ali ibn Abi Talib (AS) ran and held Umar by his neck. Then he moved him and made him fall and twisted his nose and neck and intended to kill him.
At that time he remembered what the Holy Prophet (SAW) had told him and mentioned in the will for patience and obedience, and said: “By Him, who held Muhammad high with Prophethood, O ibn Sahhak, if this written thing had not passed, then you would have known that you cannot enter my house.” Umar sent someone for help. People came and entered the house. Khalid ibn Walid lifted the sword to hit Fatimah (AS), so Ali (AS) attacked him. He held Ali (AS) under oath, so he stopped.
Miqdad, Salman, Abu Dhar, AMmar, and Buraydah Aslami came and entered the house to help Ali (AS). It was very near that fight would start. So Ali (AS) was taken out and people walked behind him. Salman, Miqdad, Abu Dhar, Ammar and Buraydah all followed him. May Allah have mercy on them, and they were all saying “How soon have you cheated the Messenger of Allah, and made known the rust that was in your chest.” Buraydah ibn Khasibe Aslami said: “O Umar, are you attacking the brother and the Executor of the Messenger of Allah, and his daughter?
You are that person whom Quraysh know how they know you.” So Khalid ibn Walid raised the sword which was in its cover to hit Buraydah. Umar held him and stopped him from doing this. So they all tied a rope in Ali's (a.s) neck and took him to Abu Bakr. When Abu Bakr saw him, he screamed, and said: ((Free him.")), Ali (a.s) said: ["How soon have you people attacked the ahlulbayt of your prophet. O Abu Bakr? On what right, or inheritance or qualifications are you calling people towards your allegiance? Did you not pay allegiance to me the other day on the command of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W)?"]
Umar said: ("O Ali, leave all these talks of yours. By God, if you do not pay allegiance we will kill you.") So Ali (a.s) said: ["By God, at that time I will be a slave of Allah and the brother of the Prophet who got killed."] Umar said: ("Allah's slave got killed - that is accepted, but the Prophet's brother? No.") Ali (a.s) said: ["Beware, By God, if it was not Allah's decision in the beginning and had there not been the promise that my friend has taken from me, which I cannot break, then you would know who from us is lesser as far as helpers and number is concerned."] At that time Abu Bakr was quiet, he was not talking.
Buraydah stood up and said: {{"O Umar, are you both not the ones to whom the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) had said: [["Go to Ali and salute him saying 'Amirul Mumineen'.]] So you both asked: ("By the command of Allah and His Prophet?"), and he replied "YES"."}}
Abu Bakr said: (("O Buraydah, it was like that but you disappeared and we were present and one matter arises after another.")) Umar said: ("O Buraydah, what have you got to do with these matters and who got you involved in this?") Buraydah replied: {{"By God, I will not stay in that city in which you are Amir."}} So Umar order, and he was bitten and thrown out. Then Salman stood up and said: {{"O Abu Bakr, fear Allah and get away from this place and leave it to the one deserving it. Let them happily have it until the Day of Judgement. This Ummah cannot have two swords upon them at the same time."}} So Abu Bakr did not reply to this. So Salman repeated that again. Umar told him off and said: ("What have you got to do with it? Who involved you in this matter?")
He (Salman) said: {["O Umar, leave it, and O Abu Bakr, get off this place and leave it to those who deserve it so they can have it till the Day of Judgement. If you refuse you will achieve blood instead of milk in return and those people whom the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) had forgiven and sent away, and the hypocrites will want it. By God, if I knew that I would be able to remove tyranny or give prestige to the religion of Allah, then I would keep my sword on my shoulder and use it on every step. Are you attacking the Trustee of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W)? Good news be to you of trouble, and do not be hopeful of happiness."]}
Then Abu Dhar, Miqdad and Ammar stood up and said to Ali (a.s) "What is your command? By God, if you order, we will fight with swords until we get killed." Ali (a.s) replied: ["Allah have mercy on you, stop and remember the promise that the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) has taken from you and what his testament is."] So they stopped. Umar said to Abu Bakr, who he was sitting on the pulpit. ("What has made you sit on the pulpit and they are fighting and not standing among us to pay allegiance to you? Can you not order to cut their necks?") Hasan and Husayn (a.s) were standing near Ali (a.s). When they both heard what Umar said they started crying loudly 'O father, O Messenger of Allah'. Ali (a.s) took both of them in his arms and said: ["Both of you, do not cry. By God, both of these do not have the power to kill your father. These two are weak, and useless and are not capable of it."]
Umme Ayman Nawbiya, who was the one who nursed the Holy Prophet (S.A.W), and Umme Salmah came and they both said: [{O Atiq, how soon have you shown your jealousy towards the children of Muhammad.")] Umar ordered that they both leave the mosque and said: ("What do we have to do with women?") Then he said: “O Ali, stand up and pay allegiance.” Ali (AS) asked: “If I do not?” He replied: “We will cut your neck, By God.” So Alayhissalam said: “O ibn Sahhak, By God, you are a liar, you do not have strength of this. You are very mean and are very weak in this.” Khalid ibn Walid came forward and took his sword out and said: “By God, if you do not do it, I will kill you.” Ali (AS) went towards him and held him by his clothes and pushed him. He fell down on his back and the sword fell off his hand. Umar said: ("O Ali, stand up and pay allegiance.") He (a.s) asked: ["If I do not do it?"] He replied: ("By God, this time we will kill you.") Ali (a.s) presented his argument three times, then without opening his palm he stretched his hand. Abu Bakr put his hand on it and was happy with that. Then he walked towards home and people walked behind him.
The matter reached Fatimah (a.s) that Abu Bakr confiscated Fadak. She came out surrounded by women of Bani Hashim until she entered where Abu Bakr was, and said: [["O Abu Bakr, you want to take away that land from me which the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) gave me, and donated to me from that land over which Muslims did not have to fight. Did the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) not say that the children of a human being, after his death, should be protected? And you know that he has not left anything else except this land for his children."]] When Abu Bakr heard her, and women were with her, he ordered ink so that he could write it for her. Umar entered. He said:
("O Caliph of the Messenger of Allah, do not give her in writing until she brings two witnesses for her claim.") Fatimah (a.s) said: [["Yes I will bring witnesses."]] He asked: ("Who?") She replied: ["Ali and Umme Ayman."]] Umar said: ("A non-Arab who cannot speak properly will not be accepted as witness, so remains Ali. He will say according to you.") Fatimah (a.s) returned and was angry beyond description and became ill. Ali (a.s) used to recite the five prayers in the mosque.
When he was going to recite prayers Abu Bakr and Umar used to ask him: ("How is the daughter of the Messenger of Allah?") until her illness increased. They both asked him about her and said: ("You know what happened between her and us, so if you feel it appropriate, permit us to go to her and apologize to her for our sin.") He (a.s) said: ["This is in your hands."]
Both stood up, went and sat at the doorstep. Ali (a.s) went to Fatimah (a.s) and said to her: ["O Hurra, such and such are on the doorstep. They wish to greet you. What do you think?"] She (a.s) replied: [["It is your house and I am your wife. Do what you want."]] He said: ["Tie your veil"]. She tied her veil and turned her face towards wall. Both entered, greeted her and said: ("You be happy with us, May Allah be happy with you.") She asked [['Why are you both saying this?"]] Both replied: ("We accept our fault and are hopeful that you will forgive us, and get your anger out.") She said: [["If you are both honest, then answer me what I ask you, because I will not ask you about anything but I know that you two know it. So if you tell truth I will know that you are both honest in your coming."]] Both said: ("Ask what you wish.") She asked: [["I am asking you, bearing Allah as witness, have you heard the Holy Prophet saying: 'Fatimah is a piece of mine, whoever hurts her has hurt me.']] Both replied: ("Yes.") She raised her hands towards sky and said: [["O Allah, these two have hurt me. I am complaining about these two to you and to your Messenger. By God, I cannot ever be happy with you two until I meet my father, the Messenger of Allah, and tell him whatever you two have done. They will decide concerning you both."]]
It is said that at that time Abu Bakr cried loudly: (("I am destroyed.")) and became really frightened, so Umar said: ("O caliph of the Messenger, are you frightened by what a woman is saying?") He said: "Fatimah (a.s) remained alive for 40 nights after the passing away of her father and when she became very ill, she called Ali (a.s) and said: [["O paternal cousin, I can see my health and I am making a will to you, that you marry my sister's daughter Zainab, because she will be like me for my children and make a coffin for me because I have seen angels showing me what my coffin looks like, and none from the enemies of Allah should participate in my burial, prayers for me and my funeral."]])
Ibn Abbas said: {"This is the saying of Amirul Mumineen (a.s): ("There are certain things in which I had no choice to leave - because of the Quran, with these things revealed on the heart of Muhammad (S.A.W):- fighting against those that break the allegiance and to fight against those who have gone astray, and to fight against those who left the religion. This is what for which I was told in the Will and my friend took a promise from me that they are fought against, and marry Amama Binte Zainab for which Fatimah had told me in her Will."]"} Ibn Abbas continues: {"On that day Fatimah (a.s) passed away and Medina was moved by the crying of men and women and people were confused in the same manner that they were on the day that the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) passed away. Abu Bakr and Umar came and started conveying their condolences and were saying to Ali (a.s): ("O Abul Hasan, do not recite the prayer for the daughter of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) before us.") So when it was night, Ali (a.s) called Abbas, Fazl, Miqdad, Salman, Abu Dhar and Ammar and Abbas lead the prayer and she was buried.
In the morning Abu Bakr and Umar and people came wanting to recite the prayer for Fatimah (a.s). Miqdad said: "We buried Fatimah (a.s) last night." Umar turned towards Abu Bakr and said: ("Did I not tell you that these people will do that?") So Abbas said: "She had done a will that you two should not recite prayer for her." Umar said: ("By God, O Bani Hashim you will never leave the old jealousy against us. This is the rust that is on your chest that will never go. By God, I have made an intention that I will dig her grave and recite the prayer myself.") Ali (a.s) said: ["By God, O ibn Sahhak, if you do that then I will reverse your hand. By God, if I pull my sword out then I will not return it to its cover without killing you. So you do that and see.") Umar kept quiet at that and knew that if Ali (a.s) has taken an oath he will fulfill it. Then Ali (a.s) said: ("O Umar, are you not the one for whom the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) had intended and then he sent me and I came with a sword and came towards you to kill you, so Allah Jall wa Azz revealed this verse: {'Therefore be not in haste against them, We only number out them a number (of days)'} (Surah Maryam: 84)"]}
Ibn Abbas says: {"Then all these people met and discussed the matter. Then they said: ("Our Government cannot be right until this person is alive.") Abu Bakr said: (("Who can kill him for us?")) Umar said: ("Khalid ibn Walid.") They both sent a man to him and said: ("O Khalid, what is your opinion about a task that we wish to give you?") He replied: [("Tell me what you want. By God, if you both tell me to kill ibn Abi Talib, then I will kill.")] They both said: ("By God, we do not want anything except that.") He said: [("I will do it.")] Abu Bakr said: (("When we stand up for morning prayers, you stand next to him with a sword. When I recite the Salutations, you kill him.")) He said: [("Yes.")] then they all went away. Then Abu Bakr thought about his order to kill Ali (a.s) and realized that if he did that, than there would be a war and severe calamities will befall, so he became ashamed of his order and did not sleep that night. In the morning he came to the mosque, the prayer was established and he led the prayer, and was thinking about what to say.
Khalid ibn Walid came with his sword and stood next to Ali (a.s). Ali (a.s) became aware of the situation, so when Abu Bakr completed reciting the Tashahhud, before reciting the salutation, he said loudly: (("Khalid, do not carry out the order that I have given you. If you do it, I will kill you.")) Then he recited salutations right and left. Ali (a.s) attacked Khalid and held his neck, took away the sword from his hand, made him fall down, and sat on his chest, and wanted to kill him with his sword. The people in the mosque gathered around Ali (a.s) to free Khalid, but they could not free him. So Abbas said: {("Hold him by the oath of this grave to stop him.")} Everyone held by the oath of the grave, so he left him, stood up and went home. Zubayr, Abbas, Abu Dhar, Miqdad and Bani Hashim came and held their swords and said:
(["By God, you people will not listen until he does not say and do it"]), and there was a dispute among people and upheaval and everyone was confused. The women of Bani Hashim came out, and screamed "O enemies of Allah, how soon have you made known the enmity that you had with the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) and his ahlulbayt. You had always intended that with the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) but you were not able to defeat him, so you killed his daughter yesterday and today you want to kill his brother and the son of his uncle, his Trustee and the father of his sons. By the Lord of Ka'abah, you are all liars. You cannot reach his killing." People got scared lest there be a massive conflict."}