Aban ibn Abi Ayyash narrates from Suiaym who narrated from Salman, Abu Dhar and Miqdad. A few hypocrites gathered together and said: "Muhammad is informing us about Paradise and the blessings that Allah has for His friends and those who obey Him. And he informs of Hell and the punishment and humiliation that He has for His enemies and those who disobey Him. If he told about our ancestors and our mothers as to where they will be in Heaven or Hell, then we would know what the place will be sooner or later."


This reached the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) so he ordered Bilal, so he recited the call for prayer. People gathered until the mosque was full and there was not enough space for people. He came out, very angry to an extent that his sleeves were rolled up to his elbow and his feet were bare until he got on to the pulpit, thanked Allah and Praised Him and then said: {"O people, I am a person like you. Allah has directed revelation towards me and has specialized me for His Message and has chosen me for His Prophet, and has given me excellence over the entire children of Adam and has informed me of what He liked about hidden matters, so ask me what your heart likes. By Him, in Whose hands is my life, nobody from you will question me for his father, his mother, his place in Hell or Heaven, but I will inform him. Archangel Jibra'eel is on my side and is informing me from my God so you ask me."} A mumin stood up who loved Allah and His Apostle (S.A.W). He asked ("O Prophet of Allah, who am I?").


He answered {"You are Abdullah ibn Ja'afar."} So he (S.A.W) related him (Abdullah) to his father so he sat down, his eyes being satisfied. Then a hypocrite with a diseased heart stood up. He was an enemy of Allah and His Messenger, and asked: ("O Messenger of Allah, who am I?") He replied: {"You are such and son of such, who is a shepherd of Bani Isma' and they are from very evil family of Saqif. They all disobeyed Allah, so Allah humiliated them."} So he sat down and Allah disappointed and humiliated him in front of people and before that people did not doubt that he was a very important person among the people of Quraysh and he was a tooth from their teeth (i.e. a leading personality). 


Then a third person, a hypocrite with a diseased heart stood up and said: ("O Messenger of Allah, will I be in Heaven or Hell?") He replied: {"In Hell, being humiliated."} He also sat down and Allah disappointed and humiliated him also in front of people. Umar ibn Khattab stood up and said: ("We are pleased with Allah being Rabb and Islam being religion, and with you, O Messenger of Allah, and we seek refuge in Allah from His Anger and the anger of His Messenger. O Messenger of Allah, you forgive us, God forgives you, and conceal us, may Allah conceal you.") So he (S.A.W) said: {"O Umar. are you seeking anything else except this?"} He said: ("O Messenger of Allah, forgive your Ummah as well.")


 Ali ibn Abi Talib (a.s) stood up and said: ["O Messenger of Allah, tell my relation, who I am so people know how I am related to you."] He replied: {"O Ali, I and you have been created from two pillars of light (Noor) which were under the ARSH (Throne), which were both glorifying and praising Allah 2000 years before He created the entire creation. Then from those two pillars he created two seeds (sperm) that were illuminated and joined. Then He transferred both these seeds in pure backs and pure and clean womb until half of it was put into the back of Abdullah and half of it was put in to the back of Abu Talib. So one part is myself and one part is you, and for this Allah Azz Wa Jall says: {'Then He has made for him blood relationship and marriage relationship, and your Lord is Powerful.' } (Surah Furqan: 54)


O Ali, you are from me and I am from you. Your flesh is joined to my flesh and your blood is joined to my blood. You will be the means between Allah and the entire creation to whoever denies your Wilayat then he has broken the relationship that exists between him and Allah, and will go to Hell.


O Ali, Allah has not been known but through me. and then through you. Whoever denied your Wilayat has denied the Lordship of Allah. O Ali, after me, you are a very important sign from Allah on this earth and you are an important element on the Day of Judgement. Whoever benefits from your shelter will be successful because the account of the entire creation will be towards you. The Scale will be your scale, the Path will be your path, and the Stop will be your stop, and the Account will be your account. Whoever comes to you will be saved and whoever opposes you, will be deviated and destroyed. Allah be Witness, Allah be Witness.")


  Then he (S.A.W) came down from the pulpit.