Aban narrates from Sulaym ibn Qays. Sulaym said: “I heard Ali (AS) saying: “I got ten merits from the Holy Prophet (SAW), of which even one is enough to keep me happy from sunrise to sunset.” He was requested: “O Amirul Mumineen tell them to us.” He said: “The Holy Prophet (SAW) said to me: “O Ali, you are brother, you are friend, you are successor, you are vizier, you are caliph in family and wealth and at all time when I am not there. And you have the same status to me that I have with my God. You are caliph in my Ummah. Your friend is my friend, and your enemy is my enemy. You are Amirul Mumineen and Sayyidul Muslimeen after me.” Then Ali (AS) turned to his companions and said: “O group of companions, By God, I did not go forward for any tasks, but what the Holy Prophet (SAW) took a promise from me.
So congratulations to that person in whose heart the love for us Ahlulbayt is deeply rooted, and faith is as strong in his heart as the mountain of Ohad is first in its place, and in whose heart our love has not reached, faith will dissolve in his heart in the same manner that salt dissolves in water. By God, By God, in the whole world no dhikr was more liked by the Holy Prophet (SAW) than my dhikr and nobody recited the prayer facing towards both Qibla like I did. I recited prayer in childhood when I was not even baligh, and this Fatimah, who is my wife, is a piece of the Holy Prophet (SAW). She, in her times, is like what Maryam Binte Imran was in her times.
The third thing that I am telling you is that Hasan and Husayn are respectable of this Ummah, and these both have the same status wit Muhammad (SAW) that eyes have with head, and I am like the two hands for the body. Fatimah is like what the heart is for the whole body. Our example is like the boat of Noah. Whoever boarded that boat was saved and whoever turned back got drowned.”