Aban ibn Abi Ayyash narrates from Sulaym. Sulaym said: “I heard Abu Sa’eed-e-Khidhri saying: “The Holy Prophet (SAW) called people in Gadhir Khum. He ordered so the thorns that were under the tree were cleared and it was Thursday. Then he called people towards him and held bother hands of Ali ibn Abi Talib and raised them high, so high that I saw the whiteness of the armpits of the Holy Prophet (SAW). He said: “Man Kuntu Mawlahu Fa Alyun Mawlahu. Allahumma vaali man vaalahu, wa ‘aadi man ‘aadahu, wansur man nasarahu, wakhdhul man khadhalahu’ (Whose ever I am Mawla, Ali is his Mawla. (O Allah, be a friend to one who bears friendship with him, be an enemy to the one who bears enmity with him, help him who helps him and do not help him who does not help him))” Abu Sa’eed said: “He did not get down from the pulpit until the verse ‘This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed My favor upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion.’ (Surah Ma’ida:
4) was revealed. So the Holy Prophet (SAW) said: “Allahu Akber, HE completed the religion today and completed the blessing, and Allah is happy with my Prophethood and after me with the Wilayat of Ali.” Hassan ibn Thabit said: “O Prophet of Allah, permit me to say a couplet for Ali (AS).” So Sallallahu Alayhi wa Aalihi said: “With Grace of Allah.”
So Hassaan said: “O elders of Quraysh listen to me. Then he stared reciting a couplet: Don’t you all know that the Prophet Muhammad, standing near a tree, When he was saying, when Jibra’eel came from Allah, that you are The one whom Allah has protected, so do not be afraid, and convey to Them what Allah has revealed, that is his RABB; if you do not, and Remain afraid of enemies, then you have not conveyed anything to them concerning His Message. If you remain afraid of enemies, so he (SAW) stood up, raising hs hands with his two hands and loudly announcing this. So he told them, whose ever from you I am Mawla, and will remember what I say and will not forget, his Mawla, after me, is Ali, and surely I am happy with you in front of entire creation. O Allah whoever befriends Ali, you be his friend, and be an enemy of because they are helpers of the Imam of Guidance. He is that Imam of Guidance who is like the moon of the 14th, which removes darkness. O Allah, you also stop helping those who leave helping him and on the Day of Judgment when they are stopped questioning, You punish them.
The author of the book writes: I am writing down a paragraph of the sixtieth handwritten book that has been shown to me because it is very much related to this hadith. ‘The Holy Prophet (SAW) stood in scorching heat and asked for a tent to be erected and ordered Ali (AS) to enter that tent. The first ones whom the Holy Prophet (SAW) ordered were Abu Bakr and Umar. Until they did not ask the Holy Prophet (SAW) ‘Is this allegiance the order of Allah?’, and the Holy Prophet (SAW) replied: “YES, it is by the command of Allah Jall Wa ‘Ala”, they did not stand up. And he (SAW) said: “You two should know that whoever breaks this allegiance is an infidel, and whoever disobeys Ali is an infidel, because the saying and order of Ali is my saying and order. Whoever opposes Ali’s saying and order has opposed me.” When he had strengthened what he said repeatedly, he ordered to pay allegiance quickly. The two got up and went to Ali (AS) and paid allegiance to him calling him AMIRUL MUMINEEN.
At the time of allegiance Umar said: “Bakhin, Bakhin Ya Ali (congradulation, congradulations O Ali), you became my Mawla as well as Mawla of every Mumin and Muminah.” After that the Holy Prophet (SAW) ordered Salman and Abu Dhar to pay allegiance. These two stood up and did not ask anything.