Aban says that Sulaym said: “I heard Ali (AS) - He was saying to the leader of Jews: “How many sects have happened amongst you?” He replied: “This many and this many.” Ali (AS) said: “You have told a lie.” Then he turned to people and said: “By God, if a cushion is kept for me I would make a judgment based on their Torah among the people of Torah and on their Injil amongst the people of Injil and on Quran amonst people of Quran. Jews have become 71 sects - 70 sects from them will be in Hell, 1 sect will go to Heaven and this is the one that obeyed Yush’a ibn Noon, the trustee of Musa and Christians are divided into 72 sects. 71 from them will go to Hell and 1 in Heaven and this is the one who obeyed Sham’un, the trustee of Isa (AS).
This Ummah will have 73 sects - 72 from it will go to Hell and 1 will go to Heaven, and this the sect that obeyed the successor of Muhammad (SAW). He then his hand on his chest. Then he said: “Out of 73 sects, 13 all of whom connect themselves to the love Muwaddah for me - of these 1 will go to Heaven and 12 will be in Hell.” Hadith No. 33 Aban says that Sulaym said: “I said to ibn Abbas: “Tell me what is the most important matter that you people have heard from Ali (AS)?” Sulaym says: “He told me a matter that I had heard from Ali (AS).
Alayhissalam said: “The Holy Prophet (SAW) called me at a time when he had a book in his hands. He said: “O Ali, keep this book.” I asked: “O Messenger of Allah, what is in the Book?” He replied: “This is that Book that Allah has written - it contains the names of the unfortunate people and names of the fortunate people in my Ummah until the Day of Judgment. My God has commanded me to give this Book to you.””