Aban ibn Abi Ayyash says that Sulaym said: “I heard ibn Abbas saying: “I heard a hadith from Ali (AS), the reason of which could not be understood and I did not deny it either. I heard him say:
“The Holy Prophet (SAW) during his illness talked to me confidentially, so I was taught a thousand keys of knowledge in a manner that each key opened one thousand doors.” I was sitting in Zikar
(a place) in Ali’s (AS) tent and at that time he had sent Hasan (AS) and Ammar to people of Kufa to convince them. Ali (AS) came to me and said: “Ibn Abbas, Hasan will come to you and there will
be 11,000 men with him less one or two.”
I thought to myself that if it happens as he says then this is one of the doors of the one thousand doors. When Hasan (AS) came to me with that army I received them all and asked the reporter of
the army who had their names “How many men are with you?” He replied: “11,000 less one or two.””