Sulaym narrated: He said: “I heard Al Bara ibn Adhib saying:
“I loved Bani Hashem very much, both during the life time and after the death of the Holy Prophet (SAW). At the time of his death, the Holy Prophet (SAW) told Ali (AS) that except him no one else should give him the ritual bath and it was not allowed for anyone except Ali (AS) to look at his private parts. Anyone else, except Ali (AS), who looked at his private parts will lose his eyesight. Hadhrat Ali (AS) asked:
“O Prophet of Allah, who will help me to give you the ritual bath?” The Holy Prophet replied: “Archangel Jibra’eel, with an army of angels.” Hadhrat Ali (AS) was giving the ritual bath to the Holy Prophet and Fazl ibn Abbas was helping with pouring water with his eyes covered with a bandage and the Angels were turning his body in whichever way necessary. Hadhrat Ali (AS) wanted to remove the shirt of the Holy Prophet (SAW), he heard a voice saying: “O ALI DO NOT REMOVE THE SHIRT OF OUR PROPHET.”
He put his hand under the shirt and washed the Holy Prophet’s body and he removed the shirt when he gave hunut and shroud.” Al Bara ibn Aadhib said: “When the Holy Prophet (SAW) passed away, I feared that Quraysh will overpower the matter - that they will take away this caliphate from Bani Hashem. When people did what they did (I.e paid allegiance to Abu Bakr) I was in a state similar to that of a woman whose young son dies. This was in addition to the grief that I was going through due to the death of the Holy Prophet (SAW). I became confused and started looking at people’s faces at the time when Bani Hashem were occupied with the rital bathing and shrouding of the Holy Prophet (SAW). I had heard the news about what Sa’as ibn Ibaadah and his ignorant companions had told.
After that I never sat with them anywhere in any gathering and I knew that this matter will not have an ending. So I started walking between Quraysh and Majide Nabawi and was looking at the faces of Quraysh. I was still in that state and noticed that Abu Bakr and Umar disappeared. After a few moments I saw Abu Bakr, Umar and Abu Ubeydah, wearing Sana’aniyyah shirt, coming with people from Saqifa, and confusing anyone whom they met on their way, and when they recognized any man, they took his hand and rubbed it with the hand of Abu Bakr, whether the man was willing or not. At that time, due to fear, my common sense did not accept it, when the tragedy of the Holy Prophet’s (SAW) death was still with me. I quickly went to Masjid and then went to Bani Hashem. The door was locked, so I knocked hard and said:
“O Ahlulbayt” Fazl ibn Abbas came to me from inside. I told him “People had paid allegiance to Abu Bakr.” Abbas said: “Your hands have become useless till the end. Did I not tell you people but you did not listen!”
I was very regretful about what had happened. When night came, I went to Masjid. When I reached there I remembered how I could hear the voice of the Holy Prophet (SAW) reciting the Holy Quran. I got up from my place and went into an open space that was the place of Bani Bayaza. There I saw a few people talking to each other very slowly and when I reached near them, they all stopped talking. I saw there were Miqdad, Abu Dhar, Salman, Ammar ibn Yasser, Ibaadah ibn Assamit, Huzayfah Ibnal Yamani, Zubayr Ibnal Awaam, and Huzayfah was saying: “By God, he will definitely do what I have told you he will do. By God, I have neither told what is untrue nor have been told what is untrue.” At this time this community desires that this caliphate is left to the assembly of Muhajireen and Ansar. Then Huzayfah said: “Come with me to Ubay ibn Ka’ab; he knows this matter just as much as I do.”
We went to Ubay ibn Ka’ab and knocked on his door. He came and stood behind the door and asked: “Why have you come here?” Miqdad said to him: “Open the door since the matter that we have come to talk to you about is of greater importance than the one that can be talked about from behind the door.” Ubay Ibn Ka’ab said:
“Iwill not open the door, and I know what you have come for. I will not open the door. You want that this matter is reconsidered.” So we said: “Yes.” He asked: “Is Huzayfah with you?” We replied: “Yes.” So he said: “Whatever Huzayfah says will be alright with me. I will not open the door until this matter is settled and there is no commotion left, and I am complaining to Allah the Exalted and Praised.” Al Bara said: “We all returned from Ubay’s house and he went inside his house. This information reached Abu Bakr and Umar. So they called Abu Bakr Ubeydah and Mughira ibn Sha’abah and asked for their advice. Mughira ibn Sha’abah said:
“My advice is you should meet Abbas ibn Abdul Muttalib and bribe him that he too will get a share for himself in this caliphate, and after him his children will benefit. This is how you people will be able to silence Ali ibn Abu Talib, because if Abbas ibn Abdul Muttalib joins you then this will be an argument over people and your work will be easy with Ali being alone.”
Bara said:
“Abu Bakr, Umar and Ubaydah and Mughira all went to Abbas ibn Abdul Muttalib on the second night of the death of the Holy Prophet (SAW). At that time Abu Bakr started talking by thanking Allah Jall wa Azz and praised Him and then said: “Allah sent to you Muhammad as a Prophet and wali for mumineen and Allah obliged human beings in that he was from within them until he was chosen for what Allah has with Him and left people to do their work, so that they can for their own good, elect who they want so that everyone is united and there is no dispute. So people have chosen me as guardian for them and to look after their affairs and I have accepted it. With Allah’s help I do not feel weak, surprised and frightened and this is guidance from Allah only. Yes it is definite that I am not free from the taunts of the ones who taunt me they and there will take shelter in you so that you become a strong fort for them and there will be a new difficulty. So you will either agree with what people have decided and unite with them or you will disagree and unite them with you. We have come to you and we would like to keep a share for you in this caliphate so that you, and after you, your children have a benefit because you are the uncle of the Holy Prophet (SAW). Although people know your position and the position of your companion, they have removed you from the caliphate.” Umar said: “Yes, By God. And the second thing is, O Bani Hashem, that there is no need to hurry. No doubt, the Holy Prophet (SAW) had connection with us and with you, and we have not come to you with any need but we did not want that people taunt on what all Muslims have united on, and there is a problem between you and them.
So think about the benefits for yourself, and the people” He said that and stopped talking. At that moment Abbas started talking. He said: “No doubt, Allah Tabarak Wa T’Ala sent Muhammad (SAW) as Prophet as you mentioned, and gaurdian for believers, and if you have taken this thing (caliphate) through the Holy Prophet (SAW), then you have taken our right, and if you have taken this through believers, then we are also from believers. We did not come forward in this matter and you neither took our advice in the matter nor did you speak to us about it, and we do not like this for you, because even we are from believers and we do not choose this for you.
And your saying that you will keep a share for me in it - if this matter is especially yours, then you it with you. We do not need you. If this the right of the believers, then you do not have a right to by pass the believers and make the decision yourself. If this is our right then we are not happy to share it with you. And O Umar, your saying that the Holy Prophet (SAW) has connection with you and with us, then, no doubt, the Holy Prophet (SAW) is a Tree, and we are it’s branches, and you are all neighbors, and we are closer to him than you. And your saying that there will be problems between you and us, this is a matter that you knew before. And Allah is the Helper.” So they left from the house of Abbas. And Abbas recited a poem, which means:-
I did not think that this matter (caliphate) would pass away from Bani Hashem, and from Abul Hasan.
2. Is he not the first person to recite prayer in the direction of your Qibla? And is he not the one who knows, better than everyone, all Ahadith and Traditions?
3. And he is nearest to the Holy Prophet (SAW) and he is the one who was helped by Jibra’eel in the bathing and shrouding.
4. And he is the one who has everything that people have, but people do Not have merits that he has.
5. Ali (AS) is he, and for what you kept away this this (caliphate) from Him, I know it. This allegiance of yours is the first fitnah. Abu Amir Al Bara ibn Adhib-al Ansari Al Khadhraji, who participated in 14 wars along with the Holy Prophet (SAW)