Aban says that Sulaym said: “When Ali (AS) and the people of Basra came face to face with each other, Ali (AS) called Zubayr: “O Abu Abdullah, come to me.” His companion told him: “O Amirul Mumineen, you are going to that Zubayr who has broken allegiance to you and he is on the horse, armed and you are on a mule and are not armed.” Ali (AS) replied: “Allah’s shield of protection is on me and never, never can a person run away from his death. I will not die, nor will I be killed except by the hand of that person who is the most unfortunate person in Ummah, like Thamud’s unfortunate person cut the feet of Allah’s she camel.” Zubayr came out to him. He asked: “Where is Talhah, so that he can come too.” Talhah also came. Ali (AS) said: “Bearing Allah as Witness, I am asking you two, that you two and those within Ale-Muhammad who are knowledgeable, and Ayeshah binte Abu Bakr, know that the companions of Jamal, and people of Nehrwan are the cursed ones on the tongue of Muhammad (SAW) and those who tell lies always despair.”
Zubayr said: “How can we be the cursed ones when we are from the people of Paradise?” Ali (AS) replied: “If I knew that you are from people of Paradise then I would not consider it permissible to fight against you.” Zubayr said: “Did you not hear the Holy Prophet (SAW) on the Day of Ohad say: “Paradise has become compulsory for Talhah and whoever wishes to see a martyr who is walking alive on the earth then he should see Talhah.” and did you not hear the Holy Prophet (SAW) say: “Ten people from Quraysh will be in Paradise?” Ali (AS) said: “Tell me their names.” He said: “Such and such, and such and such.” until he counted 9, including Abu Ubeydah ibn Jarra, and Sa’eed ibn Zayd ibn Amr ibn Nufail. Ali (AS) said: “You counted nine, who is the tenth one?” Zubayr said: “You” Ali (AS) said: “You accepted that I am from the people of Paradise but I deny your claim of Paradise for yourself and your companion. By God, some names that you uttered will be in a coffin in a well in the deepest part of Hell. There will be a stone on the Well. When Allah wishes to set the fire of Hell alight, He will remove the stone. Hell will flare up. I have heard this from the Holy Prophet (SAW), otherwise may Allah give you victory over me and my blood flows through your hands. If not, may Allah give me victory over you and your companion.” Zubayr returned to his companion and was in a state of crying.
Then he (Ali) turned to Talhah and said: “O Talhah, do you two have yoru women with you?” He said: “No.” Ali (AS) asked: “You two have brought one such woman purposely whose place in the Book of Allah is to stay at home and you two have brought her out and kept your women sage in tents and houses. You have not been fair to the Holy Prophet (SAW) when you two kept your wives at home and you brought the wife of the Holy Prophet (SAW) when Allah has commanded that she does not talk except behind a curtain. You tell me what relation does Abdullah ibn Zubayr have with you, and are you not happy with each other. Inform me, have you two called villagers to fight against me? What is it that has encouraged you in this matter?” Talhah replied: “O man, we were six people in Shura. One of us is dead, the second one was killed and today we are four. We do not like you.”
Ali (AS) told him: “I have nothing to do with it. I was in Shura and at that time caliphate was in the hands of someone else and today it is in my hands. What, do you think that if I wanted, when I had paid allegiance to Uthman, that I make this caliphate a shura? Did I have the right?” He replied: “No.” He (Ali) asked: “Why not?” He replied: “Because you paid allegiance willingly.” Ali (AS) said: “How can it be willingly when Ansar were with him and the swords had been pulled our and they were saying “Pay allegiance, otherwise we will kill you all.”? so did anyone say that to either you or your companion when you both paid allegiance to me, and my argument in allegiance is clean and clearer than your argument when you and your companion paid allegiance to me willingly, without any force. You two were the first ones to do it and no one said that you two will have to pay allegiance otherwise you will be killed.” Talhah went away. The war started. Talhah and Zubayr ran away.”