Hadith No. 27


Aban ibn Abi Ayyash narrates from Sulaym who said: “I was with Abdullah ibn Abbas in his home and there were some Shias sitting with him. They mentioned the Holy Prophet (SAW) and his passing away. Ibn Abbas cried and said: “The Holy Prophet (SAW), on Monday, the day that he passed away. Had his Ahlulbayt surrounding him and there were 30 people from his companions. He said: “Bring a paper I can write on for you so that after me you will never deviate and will never, after me, dispute.” The Pharoah of this Ummah stopped everyone and said: ‘The Holy Prophet (SAW) is delirious.” The Holy Prophet (SAW) became very angry at this and said: “I can see that during my lifetime you are disagreeing with me - what will happen after my death?” and he left the paper.” Sulaym said: “After that ibn Abbas turned to me and said: “O Sulaym, if that man had not said that then he would have written for us by which no one would have deviated and disputed.”


 One person from the community asked, “Who was that person?” Ibn Abbas replied: “It is not appropriate.” When every one had left I asked him in private. He said: “That was Umar.” I said: “You have said the truth. I have heard it from Ali (AS) and also heard Salman, Abu Dhar and Miqdad saying it was UMAR.” So he said: “O Sulaym, hide it from everyone except your brothers whom you trust, because the hears of this Ummah have been made to drink the love of these two men in a manner like the hearts of Bani Israel were made to drink the love of the calf and Samiry.”