Hadith No. 26


Aban narrates from Sulaym and Umar ibn Abi Salmah. Both narrate the same. Both say: “Muawiyah came to Medina after performing Hajj during his caliphate after Amirul Mumineen (AS) had been martyred, and peace had been signed with Hasan (AS). People of Medina welcomed him. He saw that from those who welcomed him there were more Quraysh than Ansar, so he asked about it and was told that they are desperate - they do not have animals to ride on. Muawiyah turned towards Qays ibn Sa’ad ibn Ibadah and said: “O group of Ansar, what has happened to you that along with your brothers from Quraysh you do not welcome me?” Qays, who was the leader of Ansar and the son of the leader of Ansar, replied: “O Amirul Mumineen, lack of transport has made us sit.” Muawiyah said: “Where are the camels with which you fetch water?” Qays replied: “On the day of Badr and Ohad we finished them, and after these two, in those wars which were during the time of the Holy Prophet (SAW) when we hit you and your father for Islam, until the Amr (Deen) of Allah became known and you did not like it.” Muawiyah said: “May God forgive.” Qays said: “The Holy Prophet (SAW) has said: “Surely after me, you people will see wealth.” Muawiyah asked: “What did he command you to do?” He replied: “The Holy Prophet (SAW) commanded us to be patient until we meet him.” Muawiyah said: “Then be patient until you people meet him.” Then Qays said: “O Muawiyah, are you taunting us about our water fetching camels?


By God, on the Day of Badr we met you on those very camels when you people were trying to diminish the Light of Allah and raise high the talk of Shaytan. After that you and your father, through no choice, accepted that Islam for which we hit you.” Muawiyah told him: “Are you showing your obligation over us after helping us? By God, the help and obligation is of Quraysh. O group of Ansar you do not have any obligations over us for helping the Holy Prophet (SAW) when he was from Quraysh, and he was my paternal cousin, and was from us. It is, in fact, our help and obligation for Allah has made you our Ansar and obedient to us and through us guided you.”


 Qays replied: “Allah Azz Wa Jall sent Mohammad (SAW) as a Blessing for the universe and sent him towards all people - towards Jinn, Insan, red and black and white and chose him as His Prophet and made him special Messenger, so first person to accept him and believe him was his brother Ali ibn Abi Talib, and his Uncle Abu Talib kept enemies away from him and stopped them and he used to be a shield between him and the infidel of Quraysh so that they do not scare him and harm him and ordered him to continue propagating Allah’s Message. Oppression and difficulties stayed away from him until his Uncle Abu Talib passed away. He commanded his son Ali to share his (SAW) burden and help him, so he (Ali as) shared his burden and helped him and in every difficult and dangerous occasions, he was prepared to give his left. Allah gave, from Quraysh, the speciality of this task to Ali and gave him esteem over all Arab and Ajam. The Holy Prophet (SAW) gathered all the children of Abdul Muttalib and they all totaled 40 on that day. The Holy Prophet (SAW) called all of them and on that day his servant was Ali, and on that day the Holy Prophet (SAW) was under the shelter of his Uncle Abu Talib. He said: “Who from you will like that he is my brother, my vizier, my inheritor and in my Ummah, my caliph and after me guardian for all mumineen?” The whole community remained silent until the Holy Prophet (SAW) repeated this thrice. Ali (AS) said: “I am, O Prophet of Allah, May Allah shower His blessings on you - Sallallahu Alayk.” So the Holy Prophet (SAW) took the head of Ali in his arms and passed his saliva in Ali’s mouth and said: “O Allah, fill him with knowledge, understanding and wisdom.” Then he said to Abu Talib: “O Abu Talib, now listen to your son Ali and obey him because Allah has made him for his Prophet, of the same status that Haroon had with Musa.”, declared brotherhood between people and made Ali as his brother.”


Qays ibn Sa’ad did not leave any of his (Ali’s) merits, and mentioned all, and through it established the argument and said: “From his Ahlulbayt is Ja’afer ibn Abi Talib Tayyar, who flies with 2 wings in Heaven, among all people, whom Allah has given this specialty. From his is Hamza leader of the Martyrs and from him is Fatimah leader of all women. So if you separate the Holy Prophet (SAW), his Ahlulbayt and his pure progeny from Quraysh, then By God, we are better than you all. O group of Quraysh, By God, we are better than you are. We are more loved than you are by Allah, His Prophet and the Ahlulbayt of the Holy Prophet (SAW). When the Holy Prophet (SAW) passed away Ansar gathered together with my father Sa’ad and after that all said: “We will not pay allegiance to anyone except Sa’ad, so Quraysh presented the argument of Ali and his Ahlulbayt and started fighting with us on the grounds of their rights and nearness to the Holy Prophet (SAW). Quraysh are not free from two matters - either they   oppressed Ansar or oppressed Ale Muhammad. By my life, neither any Ansar not Quraysh has any right, nor does any Arab or Ajam. There is no right or share in the caliphate of Ali Bin Abi Talib and his children after him.” Muawiyah became angry and asked: “Where did you get these from and from whom are you narrating, and from whom have you heard it? Did your father tell you all these and you took it from him?” Qays replied: “I have heard it and take it from that person who is better than my father and he has more right over me that my father.” Then he (Muawiyah) said: “Who is he?” So he (Qays) replied: “He is Amirul Mumineen, Ali ibn Abi Talib, who is the ‘Aalim of this Ummah and is the establisher of Deen and is Truthful and that one who differentiates between truth and falsehood from whom Allah has revealed what is revealed and that is saying of Azz Wa Jall ‘Say: Enough for a witness between me and you is Allah, and such as have knowledge of the Book’ (Surah Ra’d: 43)


So Qays did not leave any verse concerning Ali but he mentioned it. Muawiyah said: “The Siddique of Ummah is Abu Bakr and its Farooq is Umar. The one who has complete knowledge of the book is Abdullah ibn Salman.” Qays said: “The more deserving person of these titles and the owner is he for whom Allah has revealed: ‘Can they be (like) those Who accept a Clear (sign) from their Lord. And whom a witness from Himself’ (Surah Hud: 17) And he for whom Allah Jall wa Ismuhu has revealed in Quran‘But thou art truly a warner, and to every people a guide.’ (Surah Ra’d: 7)


By God, the verse was revealed and Ali is the Guide for all communities. You people devalued it and that person whom the Holy Prophet (SAW) appointed in Gadhir Khum and said: “Over whomever I have more authority than he himself, Ali also has more authority over him than the person himself. On the occasion of Tabuk the Holy Prophet (SAW) said to him only: “You have the same connection to me that Haroon had to Musa, except that after me there will not be another Prophet.” Muawiyah was in Medina at that time so on this occasion his proclaimed announced and it was written and sent to all the governors of all cities.


“Beware that there will be no responsibility for anyone who narrates any hadith concerning Ali ibn Abi Talib and his Ahlulbayt’s virtues and merits, and he (the narrator) will have himself imposed punishment.” And all who gave sermons, in every small village, every place and all pulpits, started cursing Ali (AS) and started keeping away from him, and started abusing him and humiliating his Ahlulbayt, and started cursing them all - attributing matters which they did not possess. Then Muawiyah passed through the circle of Quraysh. When they saw Muawiyah they all stood up as a mark of respect, except Abdullah ibn Abbas. So Muawiyah said: “O ibn Abbas, you did not stand up. Nothing stopped you except that enmity that you have in your heard for me for the fight I had with you in Siffin. O ibn Abbas, my paternal cousin Amirul Mumineen Uthman was killed innocent.”


 Ibn Abbas questioned him: “So was Umar ibn Khattab also killed innocent? Did you pass the Amr to his children, and here is his son (pointing to Umar’s son)?” Muawiyah said: “Umar was killed by an idolater.” Ibn Abbas asked: “Who killed Uthman?” He replied: “Muslims killed him.” Ibn Abbas said: “This makes your argument very weak and will make his blood halal if Muslims have killed him and did not help him. This cannot be except when he has rightfully been killed.”


Muawiyah said: “We have written to the whole world prohibiting narrations of Ali and merits of his Ahlulbayt. So you control your tongue, Oh ibn Abbas and have mercy on yourself.” Ibn Abbas said: “Are you stopping me from reciting Quran?” He replied: “No.” So ibn Abbas said: “So are you stopping me from its commentary?” He said: “Yes.”


Ibn Abbas said: “What is more compulsory on us - reciting Quran or acting upon it?” Muawiyah said: “To act upon it.” ibn Abbas asked: “How can we act upon it until we know what Allah means by what He has revealed?” He said: “Ask those people concerning that who give the meaning other than what you and your Ahlulbayt give.” Ibn Abbas said: “Quran was revealed on my Ahlulbayt. What? Do I ask about it to Ale Abi Sufyan or Ale Abi Mu’it or Yahudi, Nasara and Majusi?” Muawiyah said to him: “Did you equalize me with them and included me in them?”


 Ibn Abbas said: “By my life, I have not equalized you with them but you have stopped me from worshipping Allah through Quran and what is in there that is commanded, forbidden, permitted, not permitted, a verse that stops from acting upon a verse, by order of which an action is forbidden, general or special, clear and unclear. If the Ummah does not ask about these it will be destroyed, create unrest within it and will be troubled. Muawiyah sad: “You all recite Quran and also mention its meanings, but do not mention commentary on what Allah has revealed concerning you people and do not mention what the Holy Prophet (SAW) has said about you - except these, mention all riwayah.” Ibn Abbas said: “Allah says in Quran ‘They desire that they extinguish Allah’s Light with their mouths, But Allah will not allow But that His Light should be Perfected, even though the unbelievers may detest’ (SurahTawbah: 32)


Muawiyah said: “O Ibn Abbas, you stol yourself and control your tongue from me. If it is necessary then do it privately and confidentially and no one should hear it from you openly.” Then Muawiyah returned home and sent 50,000 dirhams to Ibn Abbas. After that in all cities difficulties for the Shias of Ali and his Ahlulbayt increased and it was most difficult for the people of Kufa, because the Shias in Kufa were many and Muawiyah’s brother Ziyad was made the governor and Basra, Kufa and the whole Iraq was given under his control.


Ziyad was following Shias and he knew them all because he was himself at one time from Shias. He knew them all and had from the beginning heard what they said. He killed them under every tree, stone and under piece of clay. They were thrown out of cities, were scared, their hands and feet were cut off, they were hanged on the branches of dates, their eyes were poked with then rods, they were asked to leave, and were thrown out until they left it, and in Iraq there was not a single popular person who was not killed or hanged or thrown our of cities, or he left.


  Muawiyah wrote to all his judges and governors in every place, in every city, that no person who was a Shia of Ali, his Ahlulbayt or anyone who was his friend, who either narrated his merits or mentioned his virtues, should be accepted as a witness. He wrote to all his governors ‘Keep an eye on the Shias of Uthman, his lovers, his Ahlulbayt, his friends and those who narrate his virtues and mention hadith of his merits and make their assembly point nearer to you. Respect them, get them nearer, honor them and you send to me in writing their narrations about him, with the name of the person, with his father’s name and which family he belongs to.’


They all did that until ahadith regarding Uthman became plentiful and gifts and clothes were sent to them and Arabs and Mawali were allocated pieces of land in abundance until they became too many in number in cities and became arrogant concerning their buildings and properties, and this world became very broad for them. There was no city or village, the governor of which came and mentioned tradition of Uthman’s merits or mentioned his virtues, but his name was written, he was made closer, was recommended, and this situation continued for a very long time. The Muawiyah wrote to his governors: ‘After that the ahadith concerning Uthman have become to many, have spread in every corner of town and cities, so when you receive this letter, then incite people to mention traditions about Abu Bakr and Umar because I like their merits and qualities about them accepting Islam first. My eyes get more rested and they weaked the arguments of Ahlulbayt, and it is going to be tougher for Ahlulbayt than the merits and virtues of Uthman.’


Every judge and leader appointed by him read the letter to all people, and people started narrating virtues of Abu Bakr and Umar. After that he wrote a book in which he gathered all traditions concerning their merits and virtues which were mentioned, and sent this book to all his governors and judges and ordered them to read these on all pulpits, in all towns and cities, in mosques, and they were ordered to send it to all teachers of Madressa so that they teach these to students. They narrated all these things and children learnt them like they learn Quran, until they taught all girls, women, their senior servants and junior servants. This continued for a long time.


  Then Muawiyah wrote another letter to all his governors in town and cities: ‘Keep an eye, and if you get two witnesses saying that any person keeps friendship with Ali and his Ahlulbayt, then strike his name our of Register and do not accept him as a witness.’ Then he wrote another letter: ‘On whomever you establish an accusation, even if there is no witness, that he is from they then kill him.’ So they killed on accusation, suspicion and doubt, under every stone, until anyone who said anything wrong he was killed this difficulty was not only in large cities, this hardship was not only in Iraq, or particularly in Kufa only. Any person who was a Shia of Ali (AS), or was from those remaining of his companions in Medina and elsewhere, and he had a visitor whom he trusted, he would be scared to say anything, if he had a servant or attendant present. So he would not mention anything unless he had taken the person under an oath of high degree that he would keep it a secret.


This matter kept on becoming difficult and in his eyes the enemies increased. They started spreading among the community the traditions (ahadith) that were false, fabricated and falsely attributed, and people grew up on these, and from they acquired knowledge. His governors, judges and the learned continued. At that time the majority of people who became a problem, and fitnah were those who were the reciters of Quran, and recited the Book to show off, and the fabricators who showed off their emotions, humility and worship were telling lies and fabricating hadith, so that they could get their share from the governors through such actions and get closer the sitting of the governors and get wealth, land, and large houses, until these narrations and traditions got into the hands of such people who thought that these were correct and true. These people narrated them, accepted them, leant them, taught them and befriended people, and bore enmity based on these to an extent that their assemblies got united on this. These traditions also reached the hands of those people who were religious, did not accept lying as halal, and bore enmity with liars.


They also accepted these narrations and understood them to be true. Had they known that these were untrue, then they would not have narrated them would not have made them their Deen and would not have thought less of those who opposed these. During that time truth became false, reality became a lie and a lie became truth. The Holy Prophet (SAW) had said: ‘Indeed a fitnah will surround you people in which a child will become an adult and an adult will grow in it and people will continue on this and make it Sunnah. If anything is changed from this, then they will say people are accepting bad things and the Sunnah has been changed.’


At the time when Hasan ibn Ali (AS) passed away fitnah and calamities increased and became stronger and there was no friend of Allaha who was not afraid of his being killed, or made to run away or be thrown out. There was no enemy of Allah left who did not present his argument without hiding innovation in religion and misguidance. One year before Muawiyah died, Husayn ibn Ali, Salwatullah Alayhi, performed Hajj and Abdullah ibn Abbas and Abdullah ibn Ja’afer performed Hajj with him. Husain (AS) gathered Bani Hashim’s men and women and friends and Shias who performed Hajj and those Ansar who knew Husain (AS) and his Ahlulbayt. Then he sent messengers and said: “Do not leave anyone who performed Hajj this year from the companions of the Holy Prophet (SAW) who is good and is a worshiper, but gather them for me.” In Medina 700 men gathered around in his tent. Majority of them were from Tabi’een and nearly 200 men were from companions of the Holy Prophet (SAW) and others. Husain (AS) stood up among them to give a sermon.


He thanked Allah and praised Him, then said: “After this, you have seen whatever this enemy has done to us and our Shia, and you know and you were present. I wish to question you about one thing. If I say truth, then you confirm it, if I say false then you falsify me. I am asking you for the sake of what right Allah has on you and what right the Holy Prophet (SAW) has on you and for the sake of the closeness that I have with the Holy Prophet (SAW), that when you mention my this standing up and what I say to other people who have faith, who are your friends, when you call them all and you trust them, then call them to what is our right because I am afraid that this will finish and our rights will be gone and people will take them over - Allah will complete His Light even if the Kuffar (unbelievers) do not like it.”


So he did not leave anything from Quran that Allah has revealed concerning them but he recited and explained it and narrated whatever the Holy Prophet (SAW) said for his father, his mother, his brother and himself and his Ahlulbayt. For everything he said, the companions replied: “Yes, bearing Allah as witness, we say that from the companions, such a person whom we consider truthful and trustworthy has told us this hadith.” so he said: “Bearing Allah as witness I am saying to you that you mention this hadith to him whom you trust and whose Deen you trust.” Sulaym said: “On whatever things Husain (AS) bore Allah as witness and reminded was that he said: “I am telling you bearing Allah as witness do you know that Ali ibn Abi Talib was the brother of the Holy Prophet (SAW). When he declared his companions one the brother of another, he declared him his brother and said: “You are my brother, and I am your brother in this world and in the Hereafter.” Everyone said: “Bearing Allah as witness we say Yes.” 


He asked: “Bearing Allah as witness, do you know that the Holy Prophet (SAW) bought the land of his mosque and houses and then built them. Then he built ten houses - nine for himself and the tenth one in the middle for me father. Then all the doors that opened into his mosque, except Ali’s door, were closed. Concerning this whoever wanted to talk talked, so Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Alahi said: “I have neither closed your doors nor opened his but Allah has commanded that your doors be closed and his remains open.” Then all were told that except Ali no one sleeps in the mosque. He had permission to become junub in the mosque and his house was in the house of the Holy Prophet (SAW). So children of the Holy Prophet (SAW) were born in there.” All replied: “Bearing Allah as Witness, we say yes, the Holy Prophet (SAW) did that.” He asked: “Do you know that Umar ibn Khattab wanted that a hole as tiny as his eye remains open from his house to the mosque but he was refused. Then Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Alihi gave a sermon and said: “Allah commanded Musa to build a pure mosque in which except him, Haroon and his two sons no one else lives in it. And Allah has commanded me that I build a pure mosque and no one else except me, my brother and his two sons, lives in it.” Everyone replied: “Bearing Allah as witness, we say yes.”


 He asked: “Bearing Allah as Witness do you know that the Holy Prophet (SAW) on the Day of Gadhir Khum appointed him and announced his Wiliyat and said that those present should convey it to those nor present?” Everyone replied: “Bearing Allah as witness, we say yes.” He said: “I am asking you, bearing Allah as Witness, do you people know that the Holy Prophet (SAW) said concerning him in Gazwae Tabuk, “You have that status with me that Haroon had with Musa - you will be the guardian of every believer after me.” Everyone replied: “Bearing Allah as witness, we say yes.”


He asked: “Bearing Allah as witness I am tell you, do you know that when the Holy Prophet (SAW) called the Christians of Najran for Mubahila, then he did not bring anyone but Ali, his Wife and his two children?” Everyone replied: “Bearing Allah as witness, we say yes.” He asked: “Bearing Allah as Witness, I ask you, do you know on the Day of Khyber, he gave the Standard to him and then said: “I am giving it to such a man with whom Allah and His Prophet bear friendship and he bears friendship with Allah and His Prophet. He is the one who continues going forward attacking, he is nor one who runs away. Allah will give victory on his two hands.”


Everyone replied: “Bearing Allah as witness, we say yes.” He asked: “Do you know that the Holy Prophet (SAW) sent him with Baraat (Surah Tawba) and said: “No one from me can convey it except myself of that person who is from me.” Everyone replied: “Bearing Allah as witness, we say yes.” He asked: “Do you people know that never did any difficulty befall on the Holy Prophet (SAW), but he, trusting Ali, made him go forward and he never called him his name but said: “O my brother - call my brother.” Everyone replied: “Bearing Allah as witness, we say yes.”


He asked: “Do you people know that the Holy Prophet (SAW) took a decision between him and Ja’afer and Zayd, and he said to him: “O Ali, you are from me and I am from you. After me you are guardian of every believing man and every believing woman.” Everyone replied: “Bearing Allah as witness, we say yes.” He asked: “Do you people know that he met the Holy Prophet (SAW) privately every day and he went every night. When he asked, the Holy Prophet (SAW) used to answer, and when he kept quiet, the Holy Prophet (SAW) himself started?” Everyone replied: “Bearing Allah as witness, we say yes.”

He asked: “Do you people know that the Holy Prophet (SAW) gave him a status over Ja’afer and Hamza when he told Fatimah (AS): “I have married you to the best one from me Ahlulbayt and to that person who accepted islam first of all, and concerning patience he is great and possess knowledge more than anyone else.” Everyone replied: “Bearing Allah as witness, we say yes.” He asked: “Do you people know that the Holy Prophet (SAW) said: “I am the leader of the entire children of Adam, and my brother Ali is the leader of Arab. Fatimah is the leader of the women of Paradise and, my two sons Hasan and Husayn are the leaders of the youths of Paradise.”


Everyone replied: “Bearing Allah as witness, we say yes.” He asked: “Do you people know that the Holy Prophet (SAW) commanded him to give him the ritual bath and had informed him that Archangel Jibra’eel will help him?” Everyone replied: “Bearing Allah as witness, we say yes.” He asked: “Do you people know that the Holy Prophet (SAW) in his last sermon said: “O people I leave among you two heavy things - Allah’s Book and my Ahlulbayt. You keep attached to these two so you will not deviate.” Everyone replied: “Bearing Allah as witness, we say yes.” He did not leave anything that Allah revealed concerning Ali (AS) particularly and his Ahlulbayt in Quran and on His Prophet’s (SAW) tongue but he asked them. All companions replied: “Bearing Allah as Witness, yes we have heard it.” and every Taibee said: “God, that person has narrated to me whom I trust - such and such.”


Then he asked everyone to bear Allah as Witness that he had head from the Holy Prophet (SAW) saying: “Whoever thinks that I am his friend and bears enmity with Ali, then his is a liar. He does not bear friendship towards me when he bears enmity towards Ali.” So someone said to him: “O Messenger of Allah, how can this be?” He replied: “Because he (Ali) is from me and I am from him, whoever keeps him as a friend keeps me as a friend, and whoever bears enmity towards him bears enmity towards me and whoever bears enmity towards me has kept Allah as his enemy.” Everyone replied: “Bearing Allah as witness, we say yes.” and on this everyone dispersed.”