Aban ibn Abi Ayyash narrates from Sulaym ibn Qays Al Hilali: Sulaym said: “I saw Ali (AS) in Masjide Nabawi during the caliphate of Uthman and some people were mentioning some traditions and discussing Fiqh and knowledge. They talked about Quraysh, their merits and those who brought faith in the beginning and their migration to Medina and what virtues the Holy Prophet (SAW) had mentioned about Quraysh, like his saying that all Imams will be from Quraysh and people will be following Quraysh and Quraysh will be the Imams of Arabs, and his saying that one should not say bad things about Quraysh and one Quraysh will have twice the strength of a non-Quraysh man, and he who bears enmity to Quraysh, Allah bears enmity with him, and his saying that whoever humiliates Quraysh Allah will humiliate him.
They talked about Ansar, their merits, who were first ones to accept Islam and their help and how Allah has praised them in His Book, and discussed what virtues the Holy Prophet (SAW) had mentioned about what he said about the funeral of Sa’ad ibn Ma’az, and talked about Hanzala ibn Rahib, who was given the ritual bath by Angel, and talked about that person who was helped by a honeybee. Every tribe said they had this one and that one from their tribe.
Abdul Muttalib was from them, Ja’afer was from them, Ubaydah ibn Haris and Zaid ibn Harithah were from them, and so were Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, Sa’ad, Abu Ubaydah, Salim and ibn Awf. They did not leave anybody among the ones who accepted Islam in the beginning.
sitting in a circle. From Quraysh, from what I can remember, was Ali ibn Abi Talib (AS), Sa’ad ibn Abi Waqas, Abdul Rahman ibn Awf and Zubayr and Talhah and Ammar, Miqdad, Abu Dhar, and Hasim ibn ‘Atbah, Abdullah ibn Umar, and Hasan and Husain (AS), Abbas and Muhammad ibn Abi Bakr, Abdullah ibn Jaffer, Ubeydullah ibn Abbas. From the Ansar there were Ubay ibn Ka’ab, Zaid ibn Thabit, Abu Ayube Ansari, and Abul Haytham Ibnil Tayhhan, Muhammad inm Muslimah and Qays ibn Sa’ad ibn Ibada, Jabir ibn Abdullah, Abu Maryam and Anas ibn Malik, Zaid Arkam, Abdullah Abu Awf, Abu Layla and with him his son Abdul Rahman who was sitting next to him, who was a young boy - as yet he did not have a beard growing and was very handsome.
Abul Hasan Basari came and with him was his son Hasan who was a young boy who, as yet, did not have a beard growing and was very handsome. His height was medium. I stated looking at him and Abdul Rahman. I could not decide who was more handsome between these two except that Hasan was older and taller. Then people said many things from morning to mid day and Uthman was in his house and did not even know what these people were talking about. Ali (AS) was quiet - he did not talk and neither did anyone from his household. Then all these people turned to Ali (AS) and said: “O Abul Hasan, what has stopped you from talking?” so Alayhissalam replied: “There is no tribe from which a tribesman has not spoken about merits and not said truth.”
Then he said: “O people of Quraysh, O group of Ansar, through whom has Allah given you these merits - is it because of you yourselves of because of your tribes, of people of your house of somebody else apart from you?” Everyone replied: “God has given, and because of the Holy Prophet (SAW) has obliged us, and we have acquired all these because of him and we have got it. So all merits that have acquired in deen and Duniya is because of the Holy Prophet (SAW). We have not acquired it because of our own selves or our tribes or people of our houses.”
He said: “You have spoken truth, O groups of Quraysh and Ansar. So do you accept that whatever good you have acquired in deen and Duniya is specially due to us Ahlulbayt and not due to yourselves, and you have heard the Holy Prophet (SAW) saying: “I and my brother Ali ibn Abi Talib are created from the same clay until Adam.” People of Dadr, Ohad and people of Sabiqah (people who accepted Islam first) all said: “Yes we have heard it from the Holy Prophet (SAW).”
He asked: “What, do you accept that my brother, the Holy Prophet (SAW), said: “I and my Ahlulbayt - we were, each and everyone of us, one NOOR (light) that were walking in presence of Allah 14,000 years before Adam was created, and when Adam was created, this light was put on his back and brought to this earth. Then this light was put in the boat through Nuh, and then in the fire through Ibrahim and after that transferred on highly esteemed backs and pure wombs and then from pure wombs towards extremely respected backs, within such fathers and mothers who never met each other unlawfully.” At that time all, who accepted Islam in the beginning and later, people from Badr and people from Ohad, all said: “Yes, we heard this from the Holy Prophet (SAW).” He said: “I am asking you, bearing Allah as Witness, do you accept that the Holy Prophet (SAW) had, among his companions and declared brotherhood between him and myself and said: “You are my brother and I am your brother in this life and in the hereafter.” All replied: “Bearing Allah as Witness, Yes.”
He asked: “Do you accept that the Holy Prophet (SAW) bought the place of his mosque and then built the mosque and then built 10 houses - Nine for himself and the tenth one for me, in the middle, and all the doors that opened into the mosque were closed except my door. And the people, who wanted to talk, talked about it. Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Alihi Wassalam said: “I have not closed your doors, I haven’t opened his door, but Allah has commanded me that your doors remain closed and his remains open.” And nobody except myself sleeps in the mosque. I used to become junub in the mosque and the status of the Holy Prophet (SAW) and my status in the mosque was one. The children of the Holy Prophet (SAW) and my children used to get born in the mosque?” Everyone said: “Bearing Allah as Witness - Yes.”
He asked: “Do you accept that Umar wanted a hole as tiny as an eye to remain open in his house for Masjid, but he was refused. The Holy Prophet (SAW) said: “Allah had commanded Musa that he builds a pure and clean mosque in which except him, Haroon and his two children, nobody else lives in it and Allah has commanded me that I build a pure and clean mosque in which except myself, my brother and his two sons nobody else lives.” Everyone said: “Bearing Allah as Witness - Yes.”
He asked : “Do you accept that the Holy Prophet (SAW) called me on the day of Ghadir Khum and declared Wilayat for me. Then he said that those that were present should pass this on to those who were not present?” Everyone said: “Bearing Allah as Witness - Yes.” He asked: “Do you accept that the Holy Prophet (SAW) said on the occasion of Gazwah Tabuk: “You have that status with me that Haroon had to Musa, and after me, you are guardian of every believer?” Everyone said: “Bearing Allah as Witness - Yes.”
He asked: “Do you accept that when the Holy Prophet (SAW) called the people of Najran for, he did not take anyone else except myself, my wife and my two sons?” Everyone said: “Bearing Allah as Witness - Yes.” He asked: “Do you know that he gave the standard of Khyber to me?” Then he said: “Tomorrow I will five the standard to such a person whom Allah and His Prophet keep their friend and he will be having Allah and His Prophet as his friends. And he will not be frightened and wont run away and Allah will give his two hands victory over Khyber.” Everyone said: “Bearing Allah as Witness - Yes.” He asked: “Do you accept that the Holy Prophet (SAW) sent me with Surah Bara’ah and called the other one back when he was already sent, through Allah’s command and said: “Ally A’Ala (Allah) says: “OH RASUL NO PERSON CAN PROPAGATE EXCEPT THE ONE WHO IS YOU OR FROM YOU.”?”
Everyone said: “Bearing Allah as Witness - Yes.”
He asked: “Do you accept that there was no difficulty that befall the Holy Prophet (SAW) in which he did not send me forward, trusting me, and he never called me by my name but always used to say: “O my brother, and, call my brother.”?” Everyone said: “Bearing Allah as Witness - Yes.” He asked: “Do you accept that the Holy Prophet (SAW) between muself, Ja’afer and Zayeed made a decision regarding the daughter of Hamza, and said: “O Ali, you are from me and I am from you, and after me you are guardian of every believer.”?” Everyone said: “Bearing Allah as Witness - Yes.” He asked: “Do you accept that I used to go to the Holy Prophet (SAW) once every day and night and we used to meet in private. Then I used to ask him questions he used to answer and when I kept quiet, he used to start?” Everyone said: “Bearing Allah as Witness - Yes.”
He asked: “Do you accept that the Holy Prophet (SAW) gave me a status over Ja’afer and Hamzah and said to Fatimah (AS): “I have married you to the best one in my family and the best in my Ummah and the first to accept Islam, the most patient and the most knowledgeable.”?” Everyone said: “Bearing Allah as Witness - Yes.” He asked: “Do you accept that the Holy Prophet (SAW) said: “I am the leader of all Bani Adam and my brother is leader of Arabs and Fatimah is the leader of women in Paradise and my two sons Hasan and Husayn are leaders of the Youths in Paradise.”?” Everyone said: “Bearing Allah as Witness - Yes.” He asked: “Do you accept that the Holy Prophet (SAW) had ordered that I should give him the ritual bath and had informed me that Archangel Jibra’eel would help me to give him the ritual bath?”
Everyone said: “Bearing Allah as Witness - Yes.”
He said: “I bear Allah as Witness - do you accept that the Holy Prophet (SAW) in his last sermon in which he addressed you said: “I leave two things amongst you - until you hold fast to them you will not deviate - Allah’s Book and my Ahlulbayt.”?” Everyone said: “Bearing Allah as Witness - Yes.” Aban continued: Then Ali (AS) said: “Bearing Allah as Witness, I am saying do you know Allah, in His first Books, has in many verses given my merits and in this Ummah nobody reached Allah and His Prophet before me?” Everyone said: “Bearing Allah as Witness - Yes.” He asked: “Bearing Allah as Witness, do you know when the verses ‘And (as for) the foremost, the first of the Muhajirs and Ansar, (Surah Tawbah: 100) And ‘And the foremost are the foremost, These are they who are drawn nigh (to Allah) (Surah Waqia: 10, 11)
Were revealed, the Holy Prophet (SAW) was asked whom these were for. He replied: “Allah has revealed them for Prophets and their inheritors and I am more meritorious than all Prophets and Messengers, and Ali ibn Abi Talib, my inheritor, is more meritorious than all inheritors.”?”
Everyone said: “Bearing Allah as Witness - Yes.” He said: “I am telling you bearing Allah as Witness, do you know when these verses ‘O you who believe! Obey Allah and obey the Apostle and those in authority from among you. (Surah Nisa: 59) and ‘Only Allah is your Vali and His Apostle and those who keep up prayers and pay the poor-rate while they bow’ (Surah Maidah: 55) And ‘What! Do you think that you will be left alone while Allah has not known those of you who have struggle hard and have not taken any one as an adherent besides Allah and His Apostle and the believers’ (Surah Tawbah: 16)
People asked: “O Messenger of Allah, is this for particular believers or is it for believers in general?” Then Allah Azz Wa Jall commanded His Prophet to inform them who Ulil Amr and explain Wilayat to them like prayer, fasting, zakat, Hajj was explained to them. At that time the Holy Prophet (SAW) appointed me at Ghadir Khum, then he gave a sermon and said: “O people, Allah has given me such a Message that my chest is becoming tight, and I thought people will not believe me, so he demanded that I pass the Message on, of He will punish me.”
Then the Holy Prophet (SAW) ordered and it was announced that prayer is being established and gave a sermon and said: “O people, do you know that Allah is my Mawla and I am Mawla of Mumineen and I have more authority over the lives of Mumineen than they themselves?” Everyone replied: “Surely O Prophet of Allah.” He said: “O Ali get up.” So I got up. He said: “Whose ever Mawla I am, then this Ali is his Mawla - O Allah befriend him who befriends them and bear enmity towards him who bears enmity towards them. (ie Ahlulbayt).”
Salman then stood up and asked: “O Messenger of Allah, what kind of Wilayat?” He replied: “On whomever I have more authority, Ali also has more authority.” and then Allah T’Ala revealed the verse ‘This day I have perfected for you your religion and completed My favor on you and chosen for you Islam as a religion’ (Surah Maidah: 3) Then the Holy Prophet (SAW) recited Takbir and said: “Allahu Akber, my Prophethood is complete and Allah’s Deen is complete with Ali’s Wilayat after me.” Abu Bakr and Umar stood up and asked: “O Messenger of Allah, is this verse only for Ali?” The Holy Prophet (SAW) replied: “Indeed, for him and for all my inheritors till the Day of Judgment.” They both said: “O Messenger of Allah, tell us who they are.” The Holy Prophet (SAW) said: “Ali, my brother, my vizier, my successor, my inheritor, and my caliph in my Ummah after me, and guardian of all believers after me. Then my son Hasan, then my son Husayn, then my son Husayns nine children, one after the other. Quran will be with them all and they will all be with Quran. They all will not leave Quran and Quran will not leave them all until they reach me at my Fountain.”
Then people said: “Yes, surely, bearing Allah as Witness, we have heard it and we are witness - it is like what you said.” Some people said: “We remember most of what you said, but do not remember everything.”
Ali (AS) said: “You have said truth - all people are not equal in memory. I bear Allah as Witness - these people have remembered it when the Holy Prophet (SAW) stood up and explained it to them.” Then Zayd ibn Arkam, Bara ibn Adhib, Abu Dhar, Miqdad and Ammar stood up and said: “We bear Witness, we remember the Messenger of Allah saying, when he was on the pulpit and you were next to you him: “O people, Allah has commanded me that I appont an Imam for you after me who will be responsible and he will be my inheritor, my caliph, and whose obedience Allah, in His Book, has made obligatory on the believers and has joined his obedience to His and my obedience. He has given command about his Wilayat in His Book, and I spoke again to Allah concerning this, fearing taunts and disbelief of hypocrites. Allah commanded firmly that I pass this Message of He will punish me.
O people, Allah has commanded in His Book to pray, so I explained it to you and He commanded zakat, fasting and Hajj, so I mentioned thses and explained these to you. And He has commanded you concerning Wilayat, and I am bearing you as witness that this Wilayat is for him (Ali) especially, (and he (SAW) put his hands on Ali). Then after him, it is for his two sons and after them all inheritors who will be his children. They will not separate from Quran and Quran will not separate from then until they reach me at the Fountain.
O people I have told you, after me what your shelter will be and after me who your Imam, Wali, and Hadi will be. He is this - brother Ali ibn Abi Talib. He has the same status that I have with you. Listen to him in matters of Deen, and in your tasks, obey him because he has all that Allah has given me - His knowledge and Wisdom. So ask him and learn from him and not by pass him, and do not fall behind him because he is with truth and truth is with him. He will always be with truth and truth will always be with him.” Then they all sat down.
Sulaym says that Ali (AS) said: “O people, you know that Allah in His Book revealed ‘Allah only desires to keep away the uncleanness from you, O people of the House! And to purify you a (thorough) purifying’ (Surah Ahzab: 33)
The Holy Prophet (SAW) gathered myself, Fatimah and my two sons, Hasan and Husayn, and then put a cloak over us and said: “These are my Ahlulbayt, my flesh, what displeases them will displease me, what hurts them will hurt me, and what troubles me will trouble them, so keep them away from evil and keep them as pure as they have a right to be.” Ummi Salmah asked: “What about me, O Messenger of Allah?” The Holy Prophet (SAW) replied: “You are worthy, but this verse is only for me, my brother, my daughter Fatimah and my two sons, and my son Husayn’s nine children, and nobody else is included with me - except them.” Everyone replied: “Yes, indeed, we bear witness that Ummi Salmah told this to us. We asked the Holy Prophet (SAW) and he said exactly what Ummi Salmah had to us.” Then Sli (AS) said: “I am telling you, bearing Allah as Witness, do you know when the verse ‘O you who believe! Be careful of (your duty to) Allah and be with the true ones’ (Surah Tawba: 119)
Was revealed, Salman asked: “O Messenger of Allah, is this verse general of particular?” The Holy Prophet (SAW) replied: “All believers have been commanded here but Sadiqeen are particular, ie my brother Ali and after him my inheritors until the Day of Judgment.”?” Everyone said: “Bearing Allah as Witness - Yes.” Ali (AS) said: “Bearing Allah as Witness - do you know I asked the Holy Prophet (SAW) in Gazwa-e-Tabuk why he had left me behind and he relied: “Medina cannot be alright without either you or me, and you are to me as Haroon was to Musa, except that after me there not be another Prophet.”?” Everyone said: “Bearing Allah as Witness - Yes.”
Ali (AS) asked: “Bearing Allah as Witness, do you know Allah revealed in Surah Hajj ‘O you who believe! Bow down and prostrate yourselves and serve your Lord, and do good that you may succeed. And strive hard in (the way of) Allah, (such) a striving as is due to Him; He has chosen you and has not laid upon you any hardship is religion; the faith of your father Ibrahim; He named you Muslims before and in this, that the Apostle may be a bearer of witness to you, and you may be bearers of witness to the people; therefore keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate and hold fast by Allah; He is your Guardian; how excellent the Guardian and excellent the Helper!’ (Surah Hajj: verses 77,78)
Salman stood up and asked: “O Messenger of Allah, who are these people over whom you stand witness and they stand witness over people, whom Allah has chosen and has left no obstacles in Deen and their father Ibrahim’s religion?” He (SAW) replied: “Allah has meant only 13 people, the Ummah is not included.” Salman requested: “O Messenger of Allah, tell me who they are.” The Holy Prophet (SAW) replied: “I, my brother and eleven from my children.” Everyone said: “Bearing Allah as Witness - Yes.”
Ali (AS) said: “I ask you, bearing Allah as Witness, do you know that the Holy Prophet (SAW) gave a sermon after which he did not give any sermon. He (SAW) said: “O people, I leave behind you two heavy things - Allah’s Book and my Ahlulbayt. Keep close to them, you will not deviate, because Latif and Kabir (Allah) has informed me and has promised me that these two will not separate until they come to the Fountain to me.” Umar stood up and looked angry. He asked: “O Prophet of Allah, all the people of your house?” He (SAW) replied: “NO, but those from them who are my inheritors. The first of them is my brother Ali, who is my vizier, my inheritor, my caliph in my Ummah and after me, the wali of all Mumineen. He is the first of them, then my son Hasan and then my son Husayn, then nine from the children of Husayn, one by one, until they come to me at the Fountain. They will be witness on the earth of Allah and will be authority on His Creation, and will be mines of His Wisdom. He who obeys them will have obeyed Allah, and he who disobeys them will have disobeyed Allah.”?” Everyone said: “Bearing Allah as Witness - Yes.”
Then for a long time Ali (AS) was questioned. He did not leave anything, bearing Allah as Witness, until he reached his final merits that the Holy Prophet (SAW) has mentioned about him. All kept confirming, bearing Allah as Witness, that this was true. Sulaym says: “He (ALI AS) did not leave anything that was revealed for him and his Ahlulbayt in the Quran and had come to the tongue of the Holy Prophet (SAW) but for every one, bearing Allah as Witness, he said everything. From these there were certain things for which everyone said “YES” and there were certain things in which some kept quiet and some said they had heard it from the Holy Prophet (SAW). Those who kept quiet were saying to those who were talking that they were, in their eyes, reliable and apart from them, other people whom they trusted had also said that they had heard this Hadith from the Holy Prophet (SAW) if there was anything other than prophet hood then the Holy Prophet (SAW) would also have made an exception. And Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Alihi Wassalam said: “I am leaving two things amongst you - until such time you remain attached to these two things you will not deviate - Allah’s Book and my Ahlulbayt. Do not by pass them nor remain behind them. Do not teach them because they are more knowledgeable than you.” So it is only appropriate that the caliph of the Ummah should be the one who should be more knowledgeable than them about the Book of Allah and the Tradition of the Holy Prophet (SAW). When Allah revealed ‘Is He then Who guides to the truth more worthy to be followed. Of he who himself does not go aright unless he is guided? What this is the matter with you; how do you judge? (Surah Yunus: 35)
And ‘He has increased him abundantly in knowledge and physique’ (Surah Baqarah: 247) And ‘Bring me a book before this or traces of knowledge, if you are truthful (Surah Ahqaf: 4)
And the Holy Prophet (SAW) had said: “No Ummah has handed over its tasks to anyone other than a more knowledgeable person present except that its tasks will always deteriorate until it reaches where it had left it.” So is Wilayat anything other than ruling over Ummah? And the argument against their lies, invalidity and evil is that on the order of the Holy Prophet (SAW) they saluted me saying Amirul Mumineen and this is the argument that the Ummah has against them, and particularly against you and this person who is with you, Zubayr, and the whole Ummah, and against those two (pointing towards Saad and ibn Awf) and this oppressive caliph of yours, Uthman. And we six people of the Shura are all alive, so why did Umar include me in the Shura? If he and his companions were telling the truth about what they said the Holy Prophet (SAW) had said, did he include me in the Shura concerning caliphate of something else? If you people think it was to advise something other than Imamat, then Uthman has no right to be Amir over us, and it is necessary that except caliphate, we carry on with our works in accordance with advice, because the Holy Prophet (SAW) has ordered us to seek advice in all matters with the exception of caliphate. And if the Shura was about caliphate then why did he include me along with you all? He excluded me saying that they Holy Prophet (SAW) had separated Ahlulbayt from caliphate, so he informed that Ahlulbayt had no part in caliphate. And why did Umar say to his son Abdullah when he called each one of us separately, (and pointing toward Abdullah) and this is he. (Addressing Abdullah) I am asking you, bearing Allah as Witness, what did he tell you when we came out?”
Abdullah replied: “Now that you have asked, bearing Allah as Witness, he told that if these people pay allegiance to the person of Bani Hashem who had no hair in the middle of his head, he will lead them to the right enlightened path, and will make them act in accordance with the Book of Allah and the Tradition of His Prophet.” Then Alayhissalam said: “O son of Umar, what did you say at that time?” Abdullah replied: “I asked him: “O father what is it that is withholding you from making him caliph?” He (AS) asked: “What was his reply?” Abdullah said: “He told me what I am concealing.” So Alayhissalam said: “The Holy Prophet (SAW) has informed me of everything that he told you and what you told him.” Abdullah asked: “When did he inform you?” Alayhissalam said: “During his lifetime and after that on the night that your father died, in my dream, and if one sees the Holy Prophet (SAW) in a dream it is like he has seen him while awake.”
Ibn Umar (Abdullah) asked him: “What did he inform you?” Alayhissalam said: “O ibn Umar, I am asking you, bearing Allah as Witness, if I tell you will you confirm it?” Abdullah replied: “Or I will keep quiet.” He (AS) said: “He told you, when you told him what was it that was withholding him from making me caliph, ‘the sahifa that we had written among ourselves in the Ka’abah on the occasion of the last pilgrimage of the Holy Prophet (SAW).” Ibn Umar kept quiet. He (AS) said: “I am asking you, for the sake of the
Holy Prophet (SAW), why did not you tell me everything?” Sulaym reports that he saw ibn Umar in that gathering when his throat was getting choked by tears and his eyes were tearful.
Then Ali (AS) turned to Talhah, Zkubayr, ibn Awf and Sa’ad and said: “By God, if these five people had said lies against the Holy Prophet (SAW) then it is not allowed for you to have their Wilayat, and if they had said truth then it is not allowed for you to include me in the Shura, because your including me in the Shura is against and away from the Holy Prophet (SAW).” Then Ali (SA) turned to people and asked: “Tell me, what is my status in your eyes and whatever do you know about me - am I a truthful person or am I a liar?” All replied: “No, No, indeed you are a very truthful person. By God, we have never known you to tell a lie in the days of ignorance or Islam.”
Alayhissalam said: “By God, who has blessed us Ahlulbayt with the status of Prophtehood, and He made (created) Muhammad from us, and after him, blessed us with the status of Imam for Mumineen, that from Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Alihi Wasalam, nobody can propagate the Message from him except us, and Imamah and caliphate is not appropriate for anyone except with us.
And He had not given a share or tight in caliphate to anyone with us, and the Prophet of Allah is the seal of Prophets and there is no Messenger or Prophet after him. He ended the Prophethood on the Messenger of Allah, till the Day of Judgment and He completed all the Books through Quran till the Day of Judgment. He made us caliph, after Muhammad (SAW) on His Earth and made us witness on His Creation and in His Book has made our obedience compulsory. In many verses of Quran He enjoined our obedience along with His obedience and the obedience of His Prophet.
And Allah made Muhammad a Prophet and us caliph, after him, on His Creation and witness on His creation and in His Book has made our obedience compulsory. Then Allah Azz wa Jall, commanded Muhammad (SAW) to pass this Message to his Ummah, so he passed the Message what Allah, Azz Wa Jall, had commanded. So in these two, who has more right on the gathering and the place of the Messenger of Allah? You heard the Holy Prophet (SAW) when he sent me with Surah Tawba, saying: “Nobody can pass the Message from me except myself or that person who is from me.” So I am asking you, bearing Allah as Witness, did you hear this from the Messenger of Allah?”
Everyone replied: “By God, Yes, we bear witness that we heard this from the Holy Prophet (SAW) when he sent you with Surah Tawbah.” He said: “Then it was not appropriate for your companion to pass any Message from the Holy Prophet (SAW) equivalent to four fingers. And it was not appropriate that the Messenger of it could be anyone except myself. So who has more rights between the two to the majlise and the place of the Holy Prophet (SAW)- the one whom he specifically named that he is from the Messenger of Allah or the one whose name in this Ummah, he (SAW) specifically mentioned saying he is not from the Messenger of Allah?” Talhah said: “Yes, I have heard this from the Prophet of Allah.
So you tell me now is it not appropriate for anyone to pass the Message from the Holy Prophet, when he told me and everybody “Those of you who are present pass this to those who are not present.” and when he performed the final pilgrimage he said in Arafah: “Allah have mercy on him who listened to what I said, remembered it, and passed it on for me (to others) because it often happens that those who know fiqh have no intelligence and it also happens that those who know fiqh pass it to those who know more than them. There are three things in which there can be no deceit. A Muslim’s hear, an action sincerely for Allah, sincere advice to ruler, his obedience and to listen to him and to hold to his community because his invitation has encompassed everyone.” and he said, stopping at many places, “Those who are present pass it on to those who are not.”
Ali ibn Abi Talib said: “What the Messenger of Allah said on the day of Gadhir Khum, on the final pilgrimage in Arafah and on the day when he passed away, and look at his final sermon when he said: “I leave behind among you two things, until you remain attached to these two, you will not deviate - Allah’s Book and my Ahlulbayt, because Latif and Kabir has promised me that these two will not separate until they come to me like this (he had two forefingers together) come to me to the Fountain, because (he then showed his two fingers of the same hand joined together) in these two, one is in front of the other. So keep attached to these two so you do not deviate and slip away. And do not overtake them or stay behind. Do not teach them because they know more than you.” And he ordered all people to pass the Message to whomever they meet that the obedience of Imams from children of Muhammad is compulsory and their rights are compulsory.
Except this Message, he did not ask people to pass any other Messages. O Talhah, don’t you see that the Holy Prophet (SAW) told me when you wee listening: “O my brother nobody will pay my debts and nobody will complete my responsibilities except you. You will complete my responsibility, will return what has been held for sage keeping. And will fight on my Tradition.” So when Abu Bake became caliph, did he pay the debts of the Holy Prophet (SAW) or fulfill his promises? I was the most righteous one, paid his debts and fulfilled his promises. He told everyone that no one will pay his debt and no one will fulfill his promises except myself. And whatever Abu Bakr gave to people, he did not give to pay the debts of the Holy Prophet (SAW). The one who paid his dents and fulfilled his promise is the one who completed his responsibilities and returned what was held in for safe keeping.
Only Imams are the ones whose obedience Allah has made compulsory in His Book and has ordered their Wilayat. These are the Imams whose obedience is Allah’s obedience and whose disobedience is Allah’s disobedience.” Talhah said: “You have made my problems easier. I did not understand that the Holy Prophet (SAW) had meant that, until you explained to me. So, may Allah reward you well from the entire Ummah. O Abul Hasan, I want to ask you one more thing. I saw you carrying a cloth which was folded (with a seal) and you said:
“O people I was busy with the ritual bath, shrouding and burying the Holy Prophet (SAW), after that I was busy with the Book of Allah until I compiled it. So this is the comlete Book of Allah from which not even an alphabet is missing.”, but now I do not see the Book that you wrote and compiled and I saw Umar during his caliphate, that he sent a person asking the Book to be brought to him. So Umar called people and whichever verse on which two people bore witness, he wrote it and on whichever one person bore witness he left it and did not write it. At that time Umar said, and I was listening: “On the day of Yamamah many people were killed who recited Quran that others did not recite.” So that part was destroyed and a goat came near the Book and ate that which people were writing on command from Umar. So it was destroyed. At that time the writer was Uthaman. So what is your opinion?
And I heard Umar and his companions, who during the time of Uthman wrote it and compiled it that Surah Ahzab was equivalent to Surah Baqir and Surah Noor had 160 verses, Surah Hujurat had 90 verses. So what is all this? And what is it that, May Allah have Mercy on you, is stopping you from bringing what you have complied to people? I was with Uthman when he took what Umar had compiled and he compiled the Book and made people agree that the Quran should be recited in one style. Ubay ibn Ka’ab’s and ibn Masood’s Quran was torn and burnt. So what is this?”
Amirul Mumineed said: “O Talhah each verse that Allah has revealed in His Book to Muhammad (SAW), and the Holy Prophet (SAW) made me write, is in my possession and it is in my writing and each verse that Allah has revealed on the Holy Prophet (SAW), its meaning and every halal or haram, or limit or command, or anything that the Ummah will need until the Day of Judgment which the Holy Prophet (SAW) made me write, is with me and it is in my writing, even a scratch and its compensation is also written by me.” Talhah asked: “Everything - be it small or large, particular or general, what has already happened and what will happen till the Day of Judgment is present with you?”
Ali (AS) said: “Yes, and apart from that, the Holy Prophet (SAW) during his illness privately gave me key to one thousand doors of knowledge with which one thousand doors open, and if the Ummah had, from the day the Holy Prophet (SAW) passed away, followed me and obeyed me, then it would have got subsistence from up and from beneath its feet till the Day of Judgment with satisfaction. O Talhah, were you present when the Holy Prophet (SAW) asked for a paper so that he could write that with which the Ummah does not deviate and oppose? At that time your companion said what he said - (ie Allah’s Messenger is delirious.) At that time the Holy Prophet (SAW) became very angry and left it.” Talhah said: “Yes I was present at that time.”
Ali (AS) said: “When you people left, the Holy Prophet (SAW) told me all these and also told me what he wanted to write and he wanted people to be wirness to it. At that time Archangel Jibre’eel informed him that Allah Azz Wa Jall knew what opposition and separation the Ummah will have. Then he asked for a paper and asked me to write what he wanted written and made three people witness it - Salman, Abu Dhar and Miqdad, and he told the names of the Imams who are guides, whose obedience Allah has commanded till the Day of Judgment. In these first is my name, and the second is this my son (pointing towards Hasan). After him Husayn and then nine from my this son Husayn. Is this what happened, O Abu Dhar and Miqdad?”
Abu Dhar and Miqdad stood up and said: “We bear witness for the Messenger of Allah.” Talhah said: “By God, I have heard the Holy Prophet (SAW) say to Abu Dhar, “The sky did not shade and the earth did not carry anybody who is more truthful and better than Abu Dhar in the eyes of Allah.” and I bear witness that what Abu Dhar and Miqdad have said is truth. And you in my eyes are more truthful and better than these two.” Then Alayhissalam turned to Talhah and said: “O Talhah, Zubayr, Saad and ibn Awf, fear Allah. Put His Pleasure first and choose what He has and in matter of Allah do not fear evil of the evil doers.” Talhah said: “O Abu Hasan, you have not replied to my question about Quran - why don’t you bring it to the people?”
Alayhisallam replied: “O Talhah, I have purposely remained silent on your question.” Talhah asked: “Tell me, is what Umar and Uthman have written the whole Quran or is there anything which is not Quran?” He (AS) replied: “Yes this is all Quran. If you take it you will be safe from Hell and enter Paradise because if has our Hujjat (authority) and has our rights and matter related to us, and has compulsion of our obedience.”
Talhah said: “It is sufficient for me - since it is all Quran, it is sufficient for me. Tell me, the Quran that you have which contains meanings and knowledge of halal and haram - whom will you give it to and who will own it after you?” Alayhissalam said: “I will give it to those whom the Prophet of Allah has mentioned.” Talhah asked: “Who are they?” Ali (AS) said: “My successor, who after me, will be the most authoritative over peoples authority - my this son Hasan. After that my son Husayn. Then one after another who are from Husayns children will get it until the last one reaches the Holy Prophet (SAW) at his Fountain and they are all with Quran and the Quran is with them. They will not separate from Quran and Quran will not separate from them. Muawiyah and his son, after Uthman, will be rulers and after them from Hakam ibn Abil Aas, 7 people will become rulers who will be one by one until 12 imams who will misguide, are completed. And these are those very people whom the Holy Prophet (SAW) saw on his pulpit reversing (from Deen) the Ummah. 10 from them will be from Bani Umayyah, and two who laid the foundation from them and these two - the sins will be equal to the sins of the entire Ummah.”
Everyone said: “O Abul Hasan, May Allah have Mercy on you and forgive you and from us, May Allah reward you very well that you advised us and told good.” #Approximately page 66