Imam Ja’far Al Sadiq (a.s) said: “If anyone from our Shia and devotees does not have the book of Sulaym ibn Qays al Hilali, then he does not have any of our things, and he does not know any of our matters. This is the first book of Shia and is one of the secrets of Ale-Muhammad (a.s)”

BISMILLAHIR RAHMANIR RAHEEM Wa Sallallahu ‘Ala Muhammad Wa Alahit Tayyabin al Muntakhabin And May Allah shower his blessings on the Holy Prophet (SAW) and his holy progeny who are pure and chosen ones. It is believed that Fazile Muhaddith Shaykh Shehr Ashoob Assarawi al Mazindarani, who was one of the greatest Ulamah in 565 A.H. has narrated that he read the hand written book of Sulaym ibn Qays Al Hilali to Raise Afif Abul Baqa Hibatullah ibn Nama ibn Ali ibn Hamdun (RA), in his house, in Hilla-e-Jamein in Jamadi au Awwal, 565 A.H  

Raise Afif Abul Baqa Hibatullah said that he read this book in front of Shaykh Amin Alim Abu Abdillah Al-Husayn ibn Ahmed ibn Tahal alMiqdadi al-Mujawir in Mashhad of Amirul Mumineen (AS) in 520 A.H. He was informed of the book of Sheikh Mufid Abu Ali al-Hasan ibn Muhammad at-Tusi (RA), in Rajab 490 A.H., who had been informed by his father. Readers interested in tracing the chain of narrators leading to Umar ibn Uzayna are requested to refer to the book of Sulaym in Arabic.


Umar ibn Uzayna said: “I was called by Aban ibn Ayyash a month before he died and he told me that he saw a dream the night before that he was soon going to die. Then he saw me and he was pleased to see me, and the night after that he saw Sulaym ibn Qays Hilali in his dream. Sulaym said to Abad: “O Aban you are going to die in these days. Fear God as far as my amanat (that which is held in custody for safe keeping) is concerned, and you do not destroy it and what you promised to hide, fulfill it. And only give it to that person who loves Ali (AS) and has Deen and reputation.”